About this task
The BVQ Server "and" the database should be moved,
wether or not it is because of a new Windows VM.
Applies to
All Versions and Systems, further info
Connect to the old Mongo shell
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show DB´s
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start the backup, the time to complete this task is depending on the DB size
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C:\Users\dkarch.SVA>mongodump --host bvqsrv1.labwi.sva.de:27017 --db bvq --authenticationDatabase admin -u bvq -p P@ssw0rd --gzip -j 8 --out C:\Temp\test-backup |

start the installation of the same Version of BVQ on the new VM
restore the DB
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C:\Users\dkarch.SVA>mongorestore --host bvqsrv1.labwi.sva.de:27017 --db bvq --authenticationDatabase admin -u bvq -p P@ssw0rd --gzip -j 8 C:\Temp\test-backup\bvq |

complete the installation wizard and connect to your BVQ
reach out to BVQSE