Connect to the old Mongo shell
Expandcode |
title | expand...theme | Midnight |
C:\ Users\dkarch.SVA>mongomongo --host bvqxxxx.xxxx.xx.de IPLOCALHOST --authenticationDatabase admin -u bvq -p P@ssw0rd panel |
show DB´s
borderColor Code Block |
black |
borderStyle | solid |
Image Removed |
Expand |
| > show dbs |
Panel |
borderColor | black |
borderStyle | solid |
exit the shell
Expand |
| > exit |
Panel |
borderColor | black |
borderStyle | solid |
start the backup, the time to complete this task is depending on the DB size
Expandcode |
title | expand...theme | Midnight |
C:\Users\dkarch.SVA>mongodump --host bvqxxxx.xxxx.xx.de:27017 --db bvqIPLOCALHOST --authenticationDatabase admin -u bvq -p P@ssw0rd --gzip -j 8 --out C:\Temp\test-backup |
Expand |
Panel |
borderColor | black |
borderStyle | solid |
start the installation of the same Version of BVQ on the new VM
and stop right after the MongoDB has installed
Expand |
Panel |
borderColor | black |
borderStyle | solid |
- Stop all BVQ services but "bvq-mongodb"
Expand |
Image Removed | Panel |
borderColor | black |
borderStyle | solid |
| Image Added |
restore the DB
Expandcode |
title | expand...theme | Midnight |
C:\Users\dkarch.SVA>mongorestore --host bvqxxxx.xxxx.xx.de:27017 --db bvqIPLOCALHOST --authenticationDatabase admin -u bvq -p P@ssw0rd --gzip -j 8 --out C:\Temp\test-backup \bvq |
Expand |
Panel |
borderColor | black |
borderStyle | solid |