Info Auitabstitle Getting Started direction horizontal
Auitabspage...the cockpit for your IT systems
BVQ web server add scanners, to receive your data activate the alerting, to see your Health Map enable notifications make use of reports Grafana BVQ custom Dashboards for your systems BVQ Expert GUI complex and deep analysis tool
Auitabspagetitle Prepare System Users
Auitabspage#148E85whitewhite3#148E85solidStart the InstallationWe recommend to connect to your windows server with a local "bvq" user(which should be a member of the administrators group).
Open the install file as an administrator
#8E60A8whitewhite3#8E60A8solidInstallation WizardThe installation wizard uses default values ,
you are able to install and run BVQ with these values.
Default MongoDB/BVQ/Grafana Credentials bvq P@ssw0rd Default local\Windows Credentials bvq P@ssw0rd
#148E85whitewhite3#148E85solidWindows UserYou do not have to fill in a domain name, if you are using a local user, if you are using a domain user, as you do not want to have a local users, you have to fill in the correct domain name.
domain name...
#8E60A8whitewhite3#8E60A8solidFinish the InstallationWith clicking the finish button the wizard will close and BVQ WebGUI will open up (Internet Explorer is not supported).
To reach the BVQ WebGUI the specific services will start, which can take up to a few minutes, after the installation.
AuitabspageAccess the BVQ Server the default address is
First start The first login after an update or an installation you will be shown the BVQ Maintenance page.
There you need to start the schema adjustments and Activate Demo , after this task you will be redirected to the BVQ main page.
Depending on your browser, it may be necessary to clear the cache, when the sites are not loading or the screen is flickering.
The default BVQ credentials are:
AuitabspageAdd a platform-specific scanner
BVQ uses data, collected by scanners from the connected systems. The scanners are product-specific and are managed in the scanner area.
Open "Scanner " and "Scanner configuration "
Configure the scanner
"Hostname" is the FQN or the IP
The Credentials are used for the connection to the specific system, which will be scanned.
The default values do not have to be changed .
If you are configuring a Brocade scanner, you may need to use the Discover Fabric button. If you are configuring a VMware scanner, you need to add the "/sdk" behind the URL. Press Save & Exit
Scanner delay due to the different amount of data it is possible that the scanners will need quite some time to move to a green state
AuitabspageActivate the Alerting With this step, you will take the BVQ Systems Health map into operation.
Navigate to the main tab ALERTING and then to the sub tab Configuration .
The Alert rules are categorized by systems and chapters.
Initially all predefined alert rules are disabled.
Enable some (slider) or all alert rules for the systems applicable to your environment.
System Health Map After enabling the alert rules, the System Health Map will be ready.
Navigate to the main tab ALERTING and then to the sub tab Results .
Mouseover an alert rule, will give you a short summary of the results of the alert rule.
By simply clicking on an section or alert, the shown area will be changed. By clicking into the center, you can drill up again.
Auitabspagetitle Monitoring with Grafana
Start Grafana monitoring in the web browser
Use http://localhost:3000 from the BVQ Server
Use http://<name of BVQ Server>:3000 if you access the BVQ server from any other workstation When you start Grafana, use the user bvq with the password P@ssw0rd
Move to Dashboards and Browse
There you can open up the specific System and the specific Dashboard
PanelborderColor #148E85 bgColor white titleColor white borderWidth 3 titleBGColor #148E85 borderStyle solid title Checklist
The following information should be used before installing BVQ
Create a suitable VM
Choose the operating system
Prepare a Windows user
Adjust your firewall
Modify your virus scanner
Make sure the VM has an appropriate browser
PanelborderColor #A9606C bgColor white titleColor white borderWidth 3 titleBGColor #A9606C borderStyle solid title Supported Browsers
Mozilla Firefox Google Chrome Apple Safari Microsoft Edge PanelborderColor #8E60A8 bgColor white titleColor white borderWidth 3 titleBGColor #8E60A8 borderStyle solid title OS Requirements
Operating System BVQ DB Server BVQ Server Consolidated (DB + Server + Client) BVQ client workstation (GUI) Windows Server 2019 Windows Server 2016 64Bit Windows 10 64Bit