All Versions and Systems, further info
- Connect to the Mongo shell
Code Block |
> mongo --authenticationDatabase admin -u bvq -p P@ssw0rd |
show 2. Show DB´s
Expand |
Panel |
borderColor | black |
borderStyle | solid |
exit 3. Exit the shell
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Panel |
borderColor | black |
borderStyle | solid |
Stop 4. Stop all the BVQ Services but MongoDB and start the backup, the time to complete this task is depending on the DB size
Expand |
Panel |
borderColor | black |
borderStyle | solid |
start 5. Stop all Scanner Configurations on the old BVQ-Server
6. Start & finish the installation of the same Version of BVQ on the new VM
7. Stop all BVQ services but "bvq-mongodb"
Expand |
8. During the BVQ-Installation using default values, a "db" named "bvq" is created.
A restore of a mongodb has to be made, using a not existing db.
If you would like to use the db "bvq" again (code: mongorestore --authenticationDatabase admin -u bvq -p P@ssw0rd --db bvq --gzip -j 8 C:\bvq),
you have to drop the existing(just installed) bvq db.
Code Block |
Connect to the mongo shell on the new VMC:\Users>mongo --authenticationDatabase admin -u bvq -p P@ssw0rd
show the db´s> show dbs
admin 0.000GB
bvq 43.815GB
config 0.000GB
local 0.000GB
switch to the db, you would like to delete> use bvq
switched to db bvq
delete db> db.dropDatabase()
{ "ok" : 1 }
show the db´s
> show dbs
admin 0.000GB
config 0.000GB
local 0.000GB |
9. Restore the DB
Code Block |
C:\bvq>mongorestore --authenticationDatabase admin -u bvq -p P@ssw0rd --db bvq --gzip -j 8 C:\bvq |