To establish an access point for BVQ, it's necessary to create user accounts on the respective systems you wish to monitor.
For instance, if you have three NetApp clusters, you'll need to create a user account on each cluster.
This procedure is applicable to all systems you aim to connect to BVQ.
After creating a specific new user on a system, proceed to set up a BVQ Scanner on your BVQ Server using that user account.
The BVQ Scanner will then establish a connection to the system to collect the requisite data.
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A user is required for the operation of the BVQ PowerVM Scanner who should at least have read-only (hmcviewer) access to the HMC.
Enable performance data collectionBVQ can only collect performance statistics if "Data Collection" on the managed systems and LPARs is enabled.
BVQ Scanner configurationTo configure a PowerVM scanner in BVQ the following information is required:
Up to BVQ 2022.H2: Typically, two redundant HMCs manage the same IBM Power systems. Please ensure that only one scanner is created for one of the HMCs to avoid duplication in BVQ. |
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AIX and Linux are the first BVQ platforms where data is not pulled from the systems by the BVQ scanner. Instead, data is sent (pushed) from the OS on the LPARs to the BVQ Server by an BVQ OS Agent using SCP. This means, an ssh-server on the BVQ Server is receiving data from the OS instances. Once an AIX or Linux BVQ Scanner is configured, the ssh-server is being started and listening on port 2222.
BVQ Scanner configurationTo configure an AIX or Linux BVQ scanner the following information is required:
OS Agent installationThe BVQ Agent for AIX or Linux RPM installation package is automatically generated once a new BVQ AIX or Linux scanner configuration is being created in the BVQ WebUI. After the "Save"-button is pressed, the RPM package is automatically generated and can be downloaded directly. Further installation instructions can be found in the scanner configuration page or the readme included in the RPM download package. OS User requirements
Alternatively, the BVQ AIX agent can be rolled out automatically to many systems using an AIX NIM server. The download package for AIX includes a script that helps configuring the NIM server.
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A user is required for the operation of the BVQ VMware Scanner, who should at least have read-only access to the VMware vCenter system. The read-only permission for the user must be defined at the vCenter level. Permissions in a lower level (e.g. Datacenter, Cluster, ...) will lead to scan errors.
Create or select the right user role
Create the BVQ User for the vCenter
Add the right vCenter Statistics
Gather information for BVQ Scanner configurationBVQ scanners need the following information to be configured for each vCenter system:
Preparation for the BVQ ServerFor BVQ Servers which are gathering information from NetApps and vCenters, the correct DNS configuration is important. This is required to match the DNS-Name of the NFS Datastores to the corresponding IP Adresses of the NFS file shares on NetApp systems. |
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Kubernetes (k8s) clusters are scanned via 2 different methods:
Kubernetes API ServerTo gain access to the k8s API server the following preparations must be made:
CustomResourceDefinitionCreate a CustomResourceDefinition (CRD) to set up a k8s cluster as master grouping object (MGO) definition for BVQ
MasterGroupingObjectCreate a MasterGroupingObject instance (binded to the CRD) for the k8s cluster
ClusterRoleCreate a ClusterRole to get read-only (get, list, watch) access to the k8s cluster
ServiceAccountCreate a ServiceAccount for authentication
ClusterRoleBindingCreate a ClusterRoleBinding to bind the ServiceAccount to the ClusterRole
BVQ Prometheus ServerTo get performance and topology data a custom bvq-prometheus stack must be deployed in the k8s cluster via helm. This helm chart will install a bvq-prometheus server as a deployment with a 8GB persistent volume (configurable via See Execute the following steps to deploy the bvq-prometheus helm chart to the k8s cluster:
Gather information for BVQ Scanner configurationBVQ scanners need the following information to be configured for each k8s cluster:
Preparation for the BVQ ServerFor BVQ Servers which are gathering information from Kubernetes clusters, the correct DNS configuration is important. |