About this task
The BVQ Server "and" the database should be moved,
whether or not it is because of a new Windows VM.
This should not be done without SVA supervision and usage of a functional backupThese are very profound changes which need to be made by the SVA/BVQ SEs.
A working VM backup is necessary.
Applies to
All Versions and Systems, further info
Connect to the
Mongo shell
in order to connect, mongosh has to be installed as well, please see Install mongosh — MongoDB Shell
Code Block |
>mongosh -u bvq -p P@ssw0rd |
Show DB´s
Code Block |
theme |
Midnight | > show dbs |
Expand |
| Panel |
borderColor | black |
borderStyle | solid |
Image Removed
Image Added |
3. Exit the shell
Code Block |
theme | Midnight |
> exit |
Expand |
Panel |
borderColor | black |
borderStyle | solid |
Image Removed
4. Stop all the BVQ Services but "bvq-mongodb" and start the backup, the time to complete this task is depending on the DB size
Code Block |
theme | Midnight |
C:\Users\dkarch.SVA>mongodump --host IPLOCALHOSTbvq>mongodump --authenticationDatabase admin -u bvq -p P@ssw0rd --gzipd bvq -j 8 --gzip --out ="C:\Temp\test-backup" |
Expand |
| Panel |
borderColor | black |
borderStyle | solid |
Image Removed
Image Added |
5. Start & finish the installation of the same Version of BVQ on the new VM
Panel |
borderColor | black |
borderStyle | solid |
Image Removed
6. Stop all BVQ services but "bvq-mongodb" on the new VM
Expand |
Image Removed
restore the DB
Code Block |
C:\Users\dkarch.SVA>mongorestore --host IPLOCALHOST Image Added |
8. During the BVQ-Installation, using default values, a "db" named "bvq" is created.
A restore of a mongodb has to be made, using a not existing db.
If you would like to use the db "bvq" again (code: mongorestore --authenticationDatabase admin -u bvq -p P@ssw0rd --db bvq --gzip -j 8 C:\bvq),
you have to drop the existing(just installed) bvq db.
Code Block |
Connect to the mongo shell on the new VMC:\Users>mongo --authenticationDatabase admin -u bvq -p P@ssw0rd
show the db´s
> show dbs
admin 0.000GB
bvq 43.815GB
config 0.000GB
local 0.000GB
switch to the db, you would like to delete
> use bvq
switched to db bvq
delete db
> db.dropDatabase()
{ "ok" : 1 }
show the db´s
> show dbs
admin 0.000GB
config 0.000GB
local 0.000GB |
9. Restore the DB
Code Block |
C:\bvq>mongorestore --authenticationDatabase admin -u bvq -p P@ssw0rd --gzipdb bvq -j 8 --outgzip "C:\Temp\test-backup\bvq" |