Create Storage System Users
IBM SVC preparation
System preparation steps
For the communication of the BVQ SVC Scanner with the SVC CLI a user account on each SVC is mandatory, which should be at least member of the group 'Monitor'.
Create a BVQ user on the system
Check NTP, time and time zone
Check performance statistics interval
Netapp preparation
A user is required for the operation of the BVQ Scanner, which should at least have readonly Role permissions on the ONTAP Cluster.
Please create this user before the configuration of the BVQ Scanner.
We recommend the name: bvq
Ontap CLI
sec login create -user-or-group-name bvq -application http -authentication-method password -role readonly sec login create -user-or-group-name bvq -application ontapi -authentication-method password -role readonly
Dell EMC Unity preparation
A user is required for the operation of the BVQ Scanner, who should at least have Operator Role permissions.
Please create this user at your Unity System before the configuration of the BVQ Scanner. We recommend to name the user: bvq
Gather information for BVQ Scanner configuration
BVQ scanners need the following information to be configured for each Dell EMC Unity System:
- Cluster IP address or hostname
- Cluster user ID and password of the bvq user