Version 6.2

New features

Issue ID



BVQ-14642NetAppSupport for NetApp
BVQ-14525PowerVMSupport for PowerVM
BVQ-14742BrocadeSupport for Brocade switches via REST API (instead of BNA)


Issue ID



BVQ-15153WebUI: SHMRename system category "Criticality" to "Severity"
BVQ-15089WebUI: ReportingImprove Reporting scheduler to create reports with report name and schedulername
BVQ-15493WebUI: Server TourUpdate Server Tours
BVQ-10141GUI: TreemapRemove Sigma information
BVQ-14082GUI: Perf viewAdd information about chart update settings to chart view
BVQ-14911GUIAdd shortcut to DP and HRN to table tooltip
BVQ-14785License: AlertingRestrict alert creation with license
BVQ-14788License: AlertingRestrict alert notification with license
BVQ-14789License: AlertingRestrict alert result store with license
BVQ-14787License: AlertingRestrict custom alert categories with license
BVQ-14981License: EventsRestrict event store with license
BVQ-14982License: PerformanceRestrict history with license
BVQ-14728License: ReportingRestrict Reporting in License
BVQ-15026Data GridDebug NULL object
BVQ-15303SchemaCreate generic storage model
BVQ-15433PersisterZIP file based object to scan detection: Improve File access restriction handling
BVQ-14167WebUI: ReportingEnable capacity charts for Reports
BVQ-15482Performance BroadeningEnsure that broadening is not calculating ranges outside expiry range
BVQ-14715SchemaRegroup attributes in attribute store
BVQ-13777GUI: AlertingAdd Overall Alert rule level to Attributes & Coloring
BVQ-13977GUIVisualize steps used for path calculation in treemap during development
BVQ-15492Cisco/Brocade Offline ScannerDeactivate SSL Check by default

Bug fixes

Issue ID



MinorBVQ-15392SVCTopo persist of Storwize system fails with ObjectNotValidException
MinorBVQ-15479SVC: HFTCSBroadening not triggered on HFTCs persist events
MinorBVQ-14833GUIProgressbar shows values higher than 100%