Change Grafana threshold in Dashboards

About this task

How to change thresholds in your Grafana Dashboards

Applies to

All BVQ versions


Enhancing your data visualization in Grafana involves various adjustments within the panel settings. 
This guide walks you through the process of editing these settings, particularly focusing on thresholds, values, and color configurations.

Opening a Panel in Edit Mode

Accessing Edit Mode:

    • Move your cursor to the panel you want to edit. Click on the panel border or the title area. A blue outline will appear around the selected panel.
    • Click on the top area of the panel to trigger a dropdown menu and select 'Edit.'

Adjusting Panel Settings

Once you're in the edit mode, you can modify several aspects to suit your visualization requirements:

  1. Navigating to Options:

    • Go to the "Options" tab within the panel editor.
  2. Setting Value Parameters:

    • Stat: Typically set to 'Average' for a balanced view, but this can be adjusted based on the data you're analyzing.
    • Font Size: Select an appropriate percentage value to ensure the text is readable.
    • Unit: Choose 'short' for abbreviated unit displays, aiding in compact visualization.
  3. Configuring the Gauge Display:

    • Coloring: Decide on the coloring aspect by setting it on the 'gauge wheel' to visually represent different threshold levels.
    • Background: If enabled, this changes the gauge's background color. For instance, switching from black to green could indicate a positive change.
    • Value: Enable this to display numerical values, providing a precise reference.
  4. Establishing Thresholds and Colors:

    • Thresholds: Input the IO values that determine your lower to medium warning levels. These values should be comma-separated without spaces and should not use commas for place values (e.g., 70000,100000). These represent the transition points for different alert conditions.
      • In the provided example, the minimum threshold is 70000 IO/s, the medium warning level is set at 100000 IO/s, and the maximum threshold value is 120000 IO/s.
    • Colors: Set color markers on the gauge wheel for visual guidance. Click on each color square to assign a specific color to different threshold levels, enhancing the data's visual interpretability.

Reviewing and Saving Your Settings

After going through these settings and adjusting as needed, always review your configurations to ensure they accurately represent the data insights you intend to derive. Once satisfied, don't forget to save your changes to apply them to the panel.

By fine-tuning these aspects, you enhance the interpretative value of your data visualizations, making them more insightful and actionable for all viewers.