BVQ 2021.H2
























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BVQ OS Agent for AIX

Brief description

BVQ 2021.H2 supports a new platform which is actually an extension to the already existing PowerVM platform: A BVQ OS agent for AIX systems, VIOS and LPARs which collects performance and topology information that aren't available via HMC.


Please review BVQ License Information Page or ask your sales contact for more information.

Information gathering

Unlike all other scanner types in BVQ, the BVQ OS Agent for AIX  is the first one to receive data from the scanned systems rather than pulling the data from them. An RPM package including the agent has to be installed on each partition. This agent is responsible for collecting data, packaging the data and sending the package to the BVQ server using scp once a minute.

The data that is collected contains topology information coming from several AIX commands as well as performance data gathered with NJMON.

Which information is collected?

  • Topology configuration information
    • collected every minute (default) on each partition and sent to BVQ serve
    • 16 object types containing a total of ~155 attributes
  • Performance statistics
    • collected every minute (default) on each partition and sent to BVQ server
    • 12 objects types containing a total of ~300 performance statistics

Additional information:

Object types

A bunch of new object types come along with the BVQ Agent for AIX. Several of them are closely related to objects in the PowerVM module and have the same meaning. The following table provides an overview of those new object types, their meaning and whether they offer performance information.


BVQ Name


AIX devicePVM OT

Performance OT?


AIX Instance groupThe AIX Instance group is the BVQ master grouping object. This means, all partitions running the BVQ OS Agent are grouped under this object

AIX Instance

OS instance running the BVQ Agent for AIX (either LPAR or VIOS)

AIX Managed systemHardware that is hosting the AIX instance
PVM Managed system(minus)
AIX Virtual CPU

Virtual processors in an AIX instance

AIX Logical CPU

Logical processors in an AIX instance


AIX Disk adapter

An AIX Disk adapter is either a FC adapter or a virtual SCSI adapter. This object type contains all adapters that have block storage attached. Adapters with tape connection are not included.

fcsX / vscsiXPVM vFC client adapter / PVM vSCSI client adapter(tick)
AIX FC adapter

Fibre Channel Adapter

fcsXPVM vFC client adapter(tick)
AIX DiskStorage volume hdiskXPVM VIOS PV / PVM VIOS LV(tick)
AIX Disk pathPath between AIX Disk adapter and AIX Disk


AIX Volume group

Volume group

rootvg, etc.
AIX Logical volume

Logical volume in a volume group

AIX Paging space

Paging space - typically a logical volume (hd6)

AIX FilesystemFilesystem on a logical vollume


describes the relation between logical volume and physical volume, for example on which disk resides a partition copy of a logical volume?

NetworkAIX Network adapterNetwork adapterentXPVM Network client adapter(tick)
AIX Network interfaceNetwork interfaceenX, lo0

The following graphs show the AIX object types and their connections to existing platforms:

Predefined Alert Rules

Coming soon... Not yet available (2021.H2.1)

Predefined Web Dashboards

Coming soon... Not yet available (2021.H2.1)

Predefined reports

Coming soon... Not yet available (2021.H2.1)

BVQ Expert GUI representation

All objects, attributes and statistics of this platform can be interactively browsed within the BVQ Expert GUI. 

Where to find IBM AIX objects?

Similar to all other objects, they show up in the Path browser inside the property panel of the BVQ Expert GUI or can be opened as a Table view from the Favorite browser. Several AIX objects can be combined in an end to end relation to objects of other platforms.

AIX objects in Path browserAIX object Table views in BVQ Favorites

Object attributes

BVQ displays a lot of interesting attributes provided by AIX. Please explore the BVQ AIX table view favorites to get an impression of the most important attributes.

Performance and error statistics

The BVQ Agent for AIX collects many performance statistics from a partition using njmon.

Typical questions around performance, load and utilization are answered by BVQ:

  • Is the LPAR performance negatively affected by the SAN congestion or storage latencies?
  • Which LPAR puts a heavy load on a storage volume?
  • Does an latency peak have influence on the performance of an LPAR?
  • Does LPAR load generate latency peaks in storage
  • Is the LPAR or host performance affected by slow drainers in the SAN?
  • How is the LPAR connected to the SAN?

To view performance statistics for one or multiple objects, simply select the object(s), right-click and select the performance object type you are interested in.

In the performance chart view, open the properties panel to select the metrics you are interested in:

Grafana 8 support

BVQ finally updated from Grafana 6.4 to Grafana 8.1 to fix several security vulnerabilities and support many new Grafana features. As the Grafana project changed its internal plugin architecture the BVQ Datasource plugin was rewritten and extended.

(warning) Depreciations and fundamental changes prevent a migration of Grafana 6 dashboards. Therefor all Dashboards have to be rebuilt or manually migrated.

To support this migration process BVQ has an option to install Grafana 6 and 8 side by side. The installer will provide the following option:

Grafana 8 will use the configured Grafana port and Grafana 6 will switch to "configured Grafana port" + 1 (e.g. Grafana was installed on port 3000. After an upgrade to BVQ 2021.H2.2 Grafana 8 will use port 3000, Grafana 6 will still be accessible through port 3001)

BVQ Datasource Features

The BVQ Datasource plugin allows to connect Grafana to a BVQ Server and to visualize its data. Hence, the BVQ Server must be up and running.


This mode is designed to get historical data in timeseries format that can be used in all panels supporting this format. Primarily the Timeseries panel. QUERY MODE "Chart" has six options:

TYPEUse Topology or Performance to select the type you want to choose from. All other options depends on the TYPE option. For Topology only numeric attributes are available.
FROMSelect the object type. The object type is responsable for the metrics you can choose. If TYPE ist set to Performance only object types with native performance data are available.
REACHABLE BYDepends on the available dashboard variables. BVQ will only show data where a connection between "FROM object type" and the variable used here can be made.
WHEREUse a BVQ filter to limit the results based on "FROM object type". All filters of the BVQ filter syntax are available. For example: name contains "svc".
GROUP BYAggregate all objects to another object type level and show the results as single line. E.g. "FROM SVC VDisk" and "GROUP BY SVC Cluster" will aggregate all individual SVC VDisk within an SVC Cluster.
METRICSChoose one or multiple metrics or attributes to show in the panel. The available options are depending on the selected TYPE and FROM option.

Important: Based on the requested time range, interval, objects and metrics data load can cause higher BVQ Server load and longer response times!!!

QUERY MODE "Topology table"

This mode is designed to get tabular data for a specific point in time without a history. The point in time is calculated form the TO date of the chosen time range. QUERY MODE "Topology table" has three options:

SELECTION PATHThe SELECTION PATH is comparable to the BVQ Pathselector in the Expert GUI and let you create a hierarchy. Each path element can be filtered with the BVQ Filter Syntax and allows columns for this object type.
COLUMNSThe COLUMNS option allows to choose attributes, capacities and linked objects for each object type used in the SELECTION PATH. Performance data are only available for the last object type used in the SELECTION PATH.
REACHABLE BYTo limit the output based on a Grafana dashboard variable it is possible to use the REACHABLE BY option. To use this option a dashboard variable of the same object type as the last selection path element is necessary.

The Topology mode is much faster as it only shows a point in time. It is suitable for stats and table panels.

(info) The Topology table is a replacement of the BVQ Favorite Datasource and removes the requirement of creating a favorite in the BVQ Expert GUI prior to launching the information within Grafana.

QUERY MODE "Event table"

This mode is designed to get tabular data for system events and has three options:

EVENT SOURCEThis variable is mandatory and based on dashboard variables. It is only possible to select an event source if a dashboard variable with an appropriate object type exists. The results will be restricted based on the object type and the selected value in the Grafana dashboard variable. The additional option "show events of the whole system" provides an easy way to show all events for the whole system.
IDENTIFIER LENGTHThere are 3 options to control the identifier length. Shorter identifier might work for scoped dashboards but might cause duplicates.
EVENT LEVELLimit the event levels you want to show. Available levels differ based on the selected source.

(warning) As some platforms provide a massive amount of events the output is limited to 1000 events!!!

BVQ default Dashboards

The BVQ default Dashboards have been migrated and improved for Grafana 8. 

New Grafana Features

As the update from Grafana 6 to Grafana 8 skips multiple major and minor versions with plenty of new features, please take a look at the Grafana website to review all details:

Grafana itself improved in many different areas; especially the UI was redesigned for better usability. The following links provide an overview of the most BVQ relevant changes:

Brocade FOS 9 support

BVQ now supports Brocade switches running Fabric OS 9.x and there are some enhancements in the Brocade (REST) module:

  • new attributes for objects type Brocade switch and Brocade switch port
  • new metrics for object type Brocade switch:

  • two new object types to visualize Brocade's Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite (MAPS): Brocade Policy and Brocade Rule.
    BVQ displays all Brocade Rules which either belong to the active Brocade Policy or are not predefined.

Systems Health Map performance improvements

In large environments, loading time for the Systems health map was unacceptably slow. To speed it up, the way of calculating alert rule results and display them in the Systems health map has been changed.

As a result, BVQ no longer displays absolute numbers in the Systems health map but percentages.

The absolute numbers of objects in each state can still be seen in the detail view of each alert rule:

In addition, the presentation of the Systems health map on the Home-screen has been changed from sunburst to stacked bar chart. Again, this change has the advantage of loading the data much faster than before. The numbers shown here represent the amount of objects per alert rule in a certain state.

Call Grafana directly from BVQ Server

There is a new menu option in the BVQ WebUI which allows you to jump to Grafana directly.

The URL is dynamically created from the URL the user is using to access the BVQ server and the Grafana port selected during setup. If this URL needs to be adjusted, navigate to Adminstration → Grafana configuration and enter the correct URL for your Grafana setup.

Requirements and restrictions 

Requirements of the HW/SW environment

Please see Supported Environments

Minimum BVQ version required for an update


Known Issues

(support agreement needed to get access credentials)