BVQ 2023.H1

VersionOS Agent VersionReleasedChangelog










AIX: v73; Linux: v47
Validate agent signature with key:



AIX: v72
Linux: v46




2023.H1.0AIX: v71
Linux: v45



BVQ downloads are available on the BVQ° Website

This version of BVQ contains a new Brocade module. Brocade BNA is no longer supported in this version of BVQ.
When upgrading to 2023.H1.0 or higher, all data related to Brocade REST will be deleted without further notice!!! Please be aware that these model changes also affect compatibility to custom reports, dashboards, alert rules, GUI favorites  and external applications using BVQ REST.

The following data will be lost after the upgrade:

  • Brocade Scanner configurations
  • Brocade topology and performance data
  • Brocade alert rule results
  • Brocade related custom defined GUI favorites, reports, alert rules or Grafana dashboards can no longer be used!

Please see "Redefined Brocade Module" for further information

This version of BVQ contains a new PowerVM scanner. When upgrading to 2023.H1.0 or higher, all data related to PowerVM will be deleted without further notice!!! Please be aware that these model changes also affect compatibility to custom reports, dashboards, alert rules, GUI favorites  and external applications using BVQ REST.

The following data will be lost after the upgrade:

  • PowerVM Scanner configurations
  • PowerVM topology and performance data
  • PowerVM alert rule results

Please see "HMC Group Scanner" for further information



HTTPS Support for BVQ Server and Grafana

With this release native HTTPS support has been added to the BVQ Server and Grafana to secure all common communication.

The HTTP(S) settings are configured during the installation process and allows the following setups:

  1. Plain HTTP without encryption
  2. HTTPS with self-signed certificate (browsers may complain about untrusted connection)
  3. HTTPS with own company certificate

HTTPS setup instructions

 Click here to expand...

BVQ Server

The port number under which BVQ will be accessible varies according to the selected transfer protocol option.
The default port for a server via HTTP is 80 and HTTPS is 443.

Select the appropriate checkbox in the security section to enable HTTPS

Enabling HTTPS unlocks further configuration options:

  • "use of a self-signed certificate": BVQ will create a certificate for you.
  • "use of an own-certificate": select the location of your private and public key to upload. If it is password protected, enter the propper password for the key.

The Keystore password has a default value, which can be adjusted.


The installer configures grafana to access the frontend via https and no additonal steps are necessary.

(warning) If the bvq-grafana service does not start, please check if the service has proper permissions to the folder the certificate is located.

Configure datasource to use HTTPS

The BVQ Datasource has to be edited if the server uses https.

  1. Change the URL to use https
  2. Activate "With CA Cert" and paste the certificate text to "CA Cert", shown in the installation finish screen.
    (You can also find the self-signed certificate by default here: C:\Program Files\SVA\BVQ\bvq-core\cert)
  3. Click on "Safe & Test" to save the datasource settings

New Platform: Kubernetes (2023.H1.1)

Brief description

BVQ now supports a "Kubernetes system" (K8s) as a new platform. 

For the first release allows the use of all BVQ features to:

    • Find and monitor performance issues for nodes and workloads
    • Analyze End to End views with VMware, NetApp and Kubernetes. (More will be added)
    • View configurations for different components
    • Flexible Alerting for performance and configuration issues


The Kubernetes plattform is licensed based on node RAM size.

(warning) If the cluster ist virtualized on VMware and the vCenter ist already licensed, no additional costs are charged for the Kubernetes platform.

See BVQ° License Entitlements

Information gathering

To collect all relevant information bvq uses two different sources:

  1. Kubernetes API 
    Used to collect topology information
  2. Prometheus with node exporter
    Used to collect performance data an additional topology information.
    Therefor a minimal, custom prometheus has to be depolyed into the cluster

Which information is collected?

  • Topology configuration information
    • collected every 15 minutes (default)
    • 44 object types containing a total of ~750 attributes
  • Performance statistics
    • collected every  minute (default)
    • 7 objects types containing a total of ~150 performance statistics

Additional information:

Object types

Several new object types come along with the BVQ Kubernetes platform. The following table provides an overview of those new object types, their meaning and whether they offer performance information:

GroupBVQ NameDescriptionPerf
Cluster wideK8s Cluster

The BVQ Cluster object is the master grouping object. It is created from a Custom Resource Definition (CRD) to identify the Kubernetes cluster.

K8s NamespaceNamespaces provides a mechanism for isolating groups of resources within a single cluster.(error)
K8s NodeKubernetes runs your workload by placing containers into Pods to run on Nodes. A node may be a virtual or physical machine, depending on the cluster. Each node is managed by the control plane and contains the services necessary to run Pods.


K8s Node roleObject to specify the role a node has. A node can have multiple roles at once.


K8s Node DiskNode storage volume


K8s Node filesystemNode filesystem


K8s Node logical CPULogical processor in a Kubernetes node


K8s Node network adapterVirtual or physical node network adpater


K8s ImageContainer images stored on at least one node


WorkloadK8s WorkloadBVQ object to group ReplicaSet, StatefulSet, DaemonSet and Jobs for a more general view


K8s DeploymentA Deployment provides declarative updates for Pods and ReplicaSets.


K8s ReplicaSetA ReplicaSet's purpose is to maintain a stable set of replica Pods running at any given time. As such, it is often used to guarantee the availability of a specified number of identical Pods.


K8s StatefulSet

Manages the deployment and scaling of a set of Pods, and provides guarantees about the ordering and uniqueness of these Pods.

Like a Deployment, a StatefulSet manages Pods that are based on an identical container spec. Unlike a Deployment, a StatefulSet maintains a sticky identity for each of its Pods. These pods are created from the same spec, but are not interchangeable: each has a persistent identifier that it maintains across any rescheduling.


K8s DaemonSetA DaemonSet ensures that all (or some) Nodes run a copy of a Pod. As nodes are added to the cluster, Pods are added to them. As nodes are removed from the cluster, those Pods are garbage collected. Deleting a DaemonSet will clean up the Pods it created.


K8s JobA Job creates one or more Pods and will continue to retry execution of the Pods until a specified number of them successfully terminate


K8s CronJobA CronJob creates Jobs on a repeating schedule.


K8s Pod

Pods are the smallest deployable units of computing that you can create and manage in Kubernetes.

A Pod is a group of one or more containers, with shared storage and network resources, and a specification for how to run the containers


K8s Pod network adapterPod network adapter


K8s ContainerSmallest workload instance controlled by a Pod.


K8s Container diskVirtual disk, accessable from the container


K8s Container portNetwork port to access the container


ConfigurationK8s ConfigMap

Object used to store non-confidential data in key-value pairs. Pods can consume ConfigMaps as environment variables, command-line arguments, or as configuration files in a volume.

A ConfigMap allows you to decouple environment-specific configuration from your container images, so that your applications are easily portable.


K8s SecretObject that contains a small amount of sensitive data such as a password, a token, or a key


StorageK8s Storage classProvides a way for administrators to describe the "classes" of storage they offer. Different classes might map to quality-of-service levels, or to backup policies, or to arbitrary policies determined by the cluster administrators


K8s Persistent volumeA PersistentVolume (PV) is a piece of storage in the cluster that has been provisioned by an administrator or dynamically provisioned using Storage Classes. It is a resource in the cluster just like a node is a cluster resource. PVs are volume plugins like Volumes, but have a lifecycle independent of any individual Pod that uses the PV.


K8s Persistent volume claimA PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) is a request for storage by a user. It is similar to a Pod. Pods consume node resources and PVCs consume PV resources. Pods can request specific levels of resources (CPU and Memory). Claims can request specific size and access modes.


K8s VolumeA Volume represents a directory with data that is accessible across multiple containers in a Pod.


K8s Volume mountRepresents how a volume is mounted to a specific container


K8s CSI DriverThe Container Storage Interface (CSI) for exposing arbitrary block and file storage systems to containerized workloads on Container Orchestration Systems (COs) like Kubernetes


K8s CSI node driverObject which CSI driver is available on which node


K8s PV attatchmentVolume Attachment captures the intent to attach or detach the specified volume to/from the specified node.


ServiceK8s IngressObject that manages external access to the services in a cluster, typically HTTP


K8s Ingress ruleObject for special routing details. 


K8s Ingress rule pathObject to represent the path defined for a Ingress rule


K8s Ingress TLSK8s Ingress TLS


K8s ServiceA Service is a method for exposing a network application that is running as one or more Pods in your cluster.


K8s Service portRepresents the port mappings for a service


K8s Endpoint sliceAn EndpointSlice contains references to a set of network endpoints. The control plane automatically creates EndpointSlices for any Kubernetes Service that has a selector specified. These EndpointSlices include references to all the Pods that match the Service selector. EndpointSlices group network endpoints together by unique combinations of protocol, port number, and Service name


K8s EndpointAn Endpoint defines a list of network endpoints, typically referenced by a Service to define which Pods the traffic can be sent to.


PolicyK8s Ressource quotaA resource quota provides constraints that limit aggregate resource consumption per namespace. It can limit the quantity of objects that can be created in a namespace by type, as well as the total amount of compute resources that may be consumed by resources in that namespace.


K8s Limit rangeA LimitRange is a policy to constrain the resource allocations (limits and requests) that you can specify for each applicable object kind in a namespace.


K8s Limit range entryRepresents the individual constrains defined in a Limit range


Object relations

The following graphs show the Kubernetes object types and their connections to existing BVQ platforms:

 Kubernetes object relations


Cluster wide





Predefined Web Dashboards

State 2023.H1.1

With the GA Release a set of 6 Kubernetes dashboards will be available for different use cases:

DashboardIntended use case
Kubernetes - ClusterHigh level cluster overview. Performance and capacity aggregated on cluster level. General Informations for Cluster wide objects like Nodes, Namespace and Storage class.
Kubernetes - NamespaceHigh level view for a namespace aggregated on workloads. Including performance, capacity, and resource quota, limit range configuration.
Kubernetes - Node PerformancePerformance view for alle nodes of a single cluster. Filterable by node role and node. Allows a good comparison of node performance and the responsible workloads.
Kubernetes - Node CommittmentFind overcommitted nodes based on memory and CPU. Easy to track which pods are responsible. Requests and limits are considered.
Kubernetes - Container Limit/Ressource optimizerFind the sweat spot for request and limits based on actual usage.
Kubernetes - Node to VMwareEnd to end usage. Where in a vCenter is the node located, side by side view between node, virtual machine and host. Possible drilldown to special VMware dashboards.

Predefined reports

Coming soon... Not yet available (2023.H1.1)

Refined Brocade SAN


Virtual fabrics is a Brocade feature that is widely used. With the previous implementation of Brocade in BVQ, one scanner per virtual fabric had to be configured. Every scanner opens (and closes) its own SSH session to the scanned switches. Since the number of SSH sessions is limited to 3 by default (but can be increased up to 10), this often caused temporary data collection issues. With the new implementation all virtual fabrics in a SAN are discovered in a single scanner configuration preventing this issue from happening.


During the upgrade to BVQ 2023.H1.0, all data related to Brocade (BNA & REST) will be deleted without further notice. 

The following data will be lost after the upgrade:

  • Brocade scanner configurations
  • Brocade topology and performance data
  • Brocade alert rule results

Required Actions

After upgrade to BVQ 2023.H.1.0 or higher, Brocade scanners need to be configured again.

While previously one scanner per Virtual Fabric had to be configured, now only one scanner per SAN is required. A SAN defines all Brocade switches that are in the same fabric or are reachable by any virtual fabrics that might exist.


  • SAN A consists of switch1, switch2 and switch3. Switch1 and switch2 have two virtual fabrics configured →  all 3 switches including their virtual fabrics are covered in one scanner configuration

If predefined Brocade alert rules were enabled prior to the BVQ update, they will be automatically enabled again after the new Brocade scanner configurations are saved and successfully persisted for the first time. 

HMC Group scanner


Typically, HMCs are configured redundant which means that there are two consoles managing the (more or less) same set of IBM Power Systems. Up to this release, BVQ only supported to collect data from one of those HMCs. This means, in case of a failure or planned downtime of this HMC, no more data could be collected.

In BVQ 2023.H1.0 it is now supported to add both HMCs to the same scanner configuration. The one that is defined first acts as the primary data collector, the one that is defined secondary takes over in case the primary fails.


During the upgrade to BVQ 2023.H1.0 or higher, all data related to PowerVM will be deleted without further notice. 

The following data will be lost after the upgrade:

  • PowerVM scanner configurations
  • PowerVM topology and performance data
  • PowerVM alert rule results

Required Actions

After upgrade to BVQ 2023.H.1.0 or higher, PowerVM scanners need to be configured again.

VMware LAN integration

To complete the VMware vSphere plattform, the vLAN stack was added.

Which information is collected?

  • Topology configuration information
    • collected every 60 minutes (default)
    • 5 new object types containing appr. 120 attributes
  • Performance statistics
    • collected every five minutes (default)
    • 1 new object type containing appr. 20 performance metrics
  • 20 new alert rules are predefined

New object Types

GroupBVQ NameDescriptionPerf


VM vSwitch

VM vSwitch is the top level object. It can either be standard or distributed.
It connects VM Networks with VM Virtual machines incl. their vNICs with VM ESXi-Hosts incl. their pNICs.


VM Port group

VM Port group connects VM Virtual machine vNICs and VM Network with VM vSwitch.


VM Network

VM Network is an additional object that connects VM Virtual machine vNICs to VM Port groups.


VM vSwitch to Host

Object to connect VM vSwitch to ESXi-Hosts.


Resource Consumer

VM Virtual NIC

Virtual Interface Card of a VM Virtual machine


Object model

Scanner notifications

In case of problems with a scanner configurations, BVQ is no longer able to collect data from the specified system(s). Up to now, those issues went unoticed unless an administrator logged into BVQ and noticed the problem. In this release of BVQ, the already existing notification feature has been enhanced and now allows the monitoring of scanner configurations.

To create a scanner notification, open the corresponding scanner configuration. Each one has a new section where optionally notifications can be configured:

  • Choose a notification type. These are the ones that are configured in Administration > Notifications
  • Configure the frequency of the notifications

Go to Administration > Notifications to see a list of scanner configurations that have notifications enabled and configured.

Scanner notifications can be edited or disabled in two ways:

  • Go to Scanner, open the scanner configuration that needs to be edited and change/disable notifications
  • Go to Administration > Notifications, navigate to Scanner Configuration Notifications and edit or pause the notification

Latex based BVQ Reporting layout

The transition from the AsciiDoc-based reporting engine to a LaTeX backend in BVQ brings several significant advantages. By leveraging LaTeX, the reports in BVQ gain a fresh and modern layout, resulting in an improved visual experience for users.

LaTeX is widely recognized and used in scientific and technical document communication and publication. Its extensive feature set and cross-platform capabilities enhance the quality and versatility of the reports generated by BVQ.

One key benefit of this transition is that the report snippet system has been retained, allowing customers to seamlessly continue using their custom reports. This ensures compatibility with existing reports created using AsciiDoc, preserving the investment made in building custom reports. At the same time, users can take advantage of the enhanced capabilities and flexibility offered by LaTeX.

Therefore a couple of new features are now available:

  • HTML output format has been replaced with a zip file. This zip file contains the report in the tex format, making it easy for users to edit and render it into a PDF. This zip file also includes all the necessary images in svg format, streamlining the report generation process.

  • Now you can add your own company’s logo to the report, simply by uploading the image in the reporting configuration section.

  • A new snippet type "LaTeX code" has been added to insert raw LaTeX code

To simplify the setup process, the BVQ installer now includes the installation of MiKTeX and Inkscape. This eliminates the need for users to install any additional software, making the setup more convenient and straightforward.

Overall, the transition to LaTeX in BVQ empowers users to create more visually appealing and customizable reports while benefiting from the extensive capabilities of LaTeX as a standard in scientific and technical documentation.

RAM based Compute layer licensing

See BVQ° License Entitlements

Requirements and restrictions 

Requirements of the HW/SW environment

Please see Supported Environments

Minimum BVQ version required for an update

BVQ 2022.H2

Known Issues

(support agreement needed to get access credentials)