About this task
The BVQ Server and Grafana should only be accessible through HTTPS.
Therefore a reverse proxy has to be installed.
Applies to
All Versions and Systems, further info
check for the current version
look up the specific "bvq-apache-server-installer" matching the current BVQ Version
download the bvq-apache-server-installer
install the server with admin rights,
if this is a new installation -install the BVQ Server Pack first and the HTTPS server second
make sure to use the FQDN of the existing BVQ server
make use of the self-signed certificates
or let the customer prepare certificates beforehand
the bvq-apache service has to be running, if its not running -start it manually
the BVQ server is now reachable through HTTPS
scanners which are using HTTP have to be edited
As BVQ is now accessible via HTTP & HTTPS, the customer has to implement the Firewall changes now
For certificate changes which will take place afterwards, following file has to be edited
reach out to BVQSE