MongoDB Export for external analysis

About this task

For analysis purposes, the export of data may be necessary.
This page shows you, how to use the BVQ Export Tool.

There is an important difference between backing up a database for backup/recovery or for analysis.
The method shown here is not suitable for backup/recovery!

For backup/recovery use this description Backup and restore a BVQ database

Export Procedure

  1. Using the CMD, move to the bvq-server folder
  2. Stop the Windows Services: "BVQ local scanner" and "BVQ Server"
  3. Use the command, with the adjusted output folder and the correct time range
  4. Restart the BVQ Windows Services stopped at step 2

Export Tool parameters

Syntax: java -jar lib\bvq-mongo-export.jar <output path> <start date> <end date>

output path(error) Path to the export file "", which will be created there.
start date(tick) 

Start date of performance stats to be exported.

Without a specific value, all performance data will be exported

end date(tick) 

End date of performance stats to be exported.

Without a specific value, all performance data will be exported

Example Run

C:\>cd C:\Program Files\SVA\BVQ\bvq-core\bvq-server\lib

C:\Program Files\SVA\BVQ\bvq-core\bvq-server\lib>..\..\jre\bin\java -jar bvq-mongo-export.jar C:\export 14.09.2022 15.09.2022

2022-11-10T08:30:19,328 INFO  [background-preinit]: HV000001: Hibernate Validator 6.2.5.Final (Version)
2022-11-10T08:30:19,389 INFO  [main]: Starting MongoExport using Java on bvq_workshop1 with PID 8120 (C:\Program Files\SVA\BVQ\bvq-core\bvq-server\lib\bvq-mongo-export.jar started by bvqworkshop in C:\Program Files\SVA\BVQ\bvq-core\bvq-server) (MongoExport)
2022-11-10T08:30:19,392 INFO  [main]: No active profile set,