

To establish an access point for BVQ, it's necessary to create user accounts on the respective systems you wish to monitor.

For instance, if you have three NetApp clusters, you'll need to create a user account on each cluster.

This procedure is applicable to all systems you aim to connect to BVQ. 

After creating a specific new user on a system, proceed to set up a BVQ Scanner on your BVQ Server using that user account.

The BVQ Scanner will then establish a connection to the system to collect the requisite data.





Create a BVQ user on the SVC system

For communication between a SVC system and BVQ, a user account with at least user group 'Monitor' is required on each SVC system.

svctask mkuser -name bvq -usergrp Monitor -password <my_secure_password>

Check NTP, time and time zone

Check if an NTP server is configured: it is mandatory to use NTP to synchronize the time of all systems (SVC Systems and BVQ Server):

svcinfo lssystem | grep 'ntp_IP_address'

Set your NTP Server: Synchronize your SVC cluster with a specific NTP server:

svctask chcluster -ntpip <IP address of NTP Server>

Adjust SVC cluster time zone: Set the time zone of your SVC cluster with:

svctask settimezone -timezone 360

Show SVC clock settings: Check the current time setting on your SVC:


Check performance statistics interval

The SVC performance statistics are generated regularly (in intervals) by the SVC and picked up by the BVQ SVC Scanner. BVQ supports all intervals possible in the SVC (1min to 60min).
We recommend to set the time interval to 1 minute.

Check statistics status and frequency: Use this command to see if and how often your system collects statistics:

svcinfo lssystem | while read key value; do [[ "$key" =~ ^(statistics_status|statistics_frequency)$ ]]&& echo "$key $value"; done

Change statistics collection frequency: Define how often system statistics are collected:

startstats -interval <interval_in_minutes>


Dell EMC Unity

A user is required for the operation of the BVQ Scanner with at least Operator role permissions.

Please create this user on your Unity system prior to configuring the the BVQ Scanner.


Dell PowerStore

Configure a user with minimum role “Operator




A user with at least 'read-only' role permissions on the ONTAP Cluster is required to operate the BVQ Scanner.

Please create this user prior to configuring the BVQ Scanner.

We recommend using the name 'bvq' for this user.

sec login create -user-or-group-name bvq -application http -authentication-method password -role readonly

BVQ Version < 2024.H2.1 or ONTAP version < 9.11
sec login create -user-or-group-name bvq -application ontapi -authentication-method password -role readonly


Pure Storage FlashArray

Configure a user with minimum role "read_only" and API token on each array.





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