Login to your BVQ maintenance Open a supported browser and use the following (HTTP or HTTPS): http://localhost/#/ui/login for the BVQ Maintenance Mode or http://localhost/ui/login for the BVQ Web Server On any other client in the network, you can use a browser and type: http://<BVQ-ServernameOrIP> To Access the BVQ-Maintenance-Page please use the credentials, created during the installation, here. We do also provide a selection of the supported browsers as well as the specific links. The BVQ maintenance page that you will be redirected to after each update and installation, is the last step for BVQ to check and confirm specific configurations. Only checks that require values or actions will be displayed. When you have completed the last step, of your maintenance, you will be shown a "Maintenance completed successfully" window, the services of BVQ will be restarted and your are directed to the BVQ webpage. |