BVQ Update Whitepaper

BVQ Update Whitepaper


Our customers are notified by mail about each new BVQ version, this includes a download link to the newest BVQ.
BVQ updates and first-time installations follow the same workflow.
The all-new core-installer is a .exe file which should be placed on either the host which is currently running BVQ or on the host which is supposed to run BVQ.
Information about the requirements are placed here and before installing BVQ for the first time we strongly recommend to read also the preparations article out of the Getting Started Guide.

The core-installer bundles the installers for each individual BVQ module into one installation package.

Please note that changes to your existing BVQ configuration can only be made, using an update installation. This works even with the same installation file used in your current BVQ installation.

You have a running BVQ and want to change the java heap size of your BVQ Server?
Reinstall BVQ and change the specific value during the install wizard, you will keep your data, but have a different heap size value.


The Update can be divided into 4 subsequent stages:


  1. Start the installation
    After placing the core-installer on the specific host you are ready to start the installation.
    Open the core-installer.

    Welcome to the BVQ installer, the installation is about to begin shortly.

    -Click 'Next' to advance to the next page

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