BVQ 5.1

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All Version 5.0 Features

BVQ 5.0

Mongo DB support

Starting with this version, we support a modern NoSQL type DB called "Mongo DB" as the DB back end for all BVQ services. The use of IBM DB2 is now deprecated and will only be supported for existing installations by a limited time frame. New BVQ installations will only be supported with this Mongo DB back end. Upcoming releases with features and bug fixes will exclusively be available for Mongo DB BVQ installations.

Why did we do that?

Four summarized answers to that:

  • More modern NoSQL concept
  • More performance and scalability
  • Self-adaptive schema
  • Integrated installer

Mongo DB is based on a more modern NoSQL DB concept compared to a relational DB system like IBM DB2. Due to our experience, it is much faster for reading and writing huge amounts of less structured data like statistical measurements from a high number of concurrent measuring points. Most of the transaction processing is done in memory, so this is much faster too. Its compression is better, so data needs less disk space to be stored. Due to the fact that Mongo DB is a document typed NoSQL DB, it does no longer need complex schema migrations which simplifies adding new attributes or statistical metrics. The small MongoDB package (~110 MiB) is integrated in our BVQ standard installers. This puts the complete process under control of a single BVQ install-package and eases installs or upgrades a lot. Due to all this advantages of Mongo DB, we are much more scalable and cost efficient and are able to broaden support for much larger, multi-platform environments.

Current restrictions

Mongo DB is a NoSQL DB, therefor it does not support SQL selects. If you use customized SQL select statements for reporting purposes, you can change them to Mongo DB queries. The DB Schema is only changed as less as possible compared to DB2. We are currently working on a new web based reporting service, also providing a RESTful interface to all known BVQ information. This will present all information as available in the BVQ GUI to any requesting application. So this will be a much more powerful and stable way to get data out from BVQ as easy and flexible as possible. With this version we dropped support for the BVQ Reporting module based on Eclipse BIRT.

This release is only intended for new installs and does not support upgrades from IBM DB2 based BVQ versions. We will provide such an upgrade support very soon (planned Q1 2017) to enable existing customers to migrate to Mongo DB seamlessly.


Requirements of the HW/SW environment

Please see Supported Environments

Minimum BVQ version required for an update

Upgrades will be supported later

Minimum Mongo DB Version


Recommended Java Runtime version


 Version 5.1

 Version 5.1.1

 Version 5.1.2