BVQ 6.1

Please note

Minimum BVQ version required for an Update: BVQ 5.7

In order to install BVQ version 6.1 a new license key is required. You should already have received that via Email. If not, please contact the BVQ-Team!


Support for Cisco MDS Switches

Brief Description

BVQ for Cisco SAN Platform is a complete new extension package for BVQ. It introduces support for Cisco MDS switches. It enables you to interactively explore your Cisco SAN configuration and check it for issues, chart switch port performance and error metrics, create reports about port utilization and drill through all the layers between Storage, BVQ, and Compute objects in end to end views.


Please review BVQ License Information Page or ask your sales contact for more information. 

Information Gathering

Topology and performance data for BVQ is gathered through the Cisco Data Center Network Manager (DCNM). Information from all MDS switches managed by DCNM are collected using SMI-S.

See BVQ server requirements & supported environments for more information

Object Types

In BVQ release 6.1 the following Cisco object types are supported:

GroupObject TypeDescription
PhysicalDCNMData Center Network Manager. This is the so called MasterGroupingObject and is parent for all other object types

SwitchThe physical switch, i.e. the real hardware (incl. Device type, model, S/N, etc.)

Switch port

The physical switch port, i.e. the real hardware port on the physical switch (e.g. fc1/1).

In BVQ, switch ports have a color coding:

  • blue: device connected to switch port
  • light blue: this port is connected to another switch port (=ISL)
  • grey: no device connected

ISLInter-switch link. A FC connection between two physical Cisco MDS switches

Port channel

Port channels are a bundling of ISLs (FC or Ethernet) or, to be more precise, the aggregation of multiple physical interfaces into one logical interface to provide higher aggregated bandwidth, load balancing, and link redundancy.

When creating a port channel on MDS switches, configuration needs to be done on both switches. Hence, a port channel between two physical switches appears as two different objects in BVQ. This is different to ISLs where only one object per ISL is created by BVQ.

LogicalFabricThe sum of switches that are connected via FC and are able to communicate with each other build up a fabric.


Virtual SAN. Single or multiple ports on a switch in a fabric can build a VSAN.

Logical Switch

All ports on a physical switch that are configured in the same VSAN make up a logical switch.

Logical Switch port

Each switch port that is configured in a VSAN is a logical port. While a phyiscal switch port is unique on a particular switch, a logical switch port is not.


  • physical switch port fc1/1 on switch A and fc1/1 on switch B are part of VSAN X
  • physical switch port fc1/2 on switch A and fc1/2 on switch B are part of VSAN Y
  • ISL between fc1/3 on switch A and fc1/3 on switch B can be used by both VSANs, X and Y (trunking)

As a result, physical switch port fc1/3 is unique on switch A and switch B but logical switch port fc1/3 shows up twice on switch A and switch B: once for each VSAN (X and Y)

Logical switch ports have the same color coding as physical switch ports.

Logical ISLAn ISL can be used by multiple VSANs (trunking). Hence, a Logical ISL (LISL) is an ISL in a VSAN.

World Wide Node Name (WWNN) of a connected device

In BVQ, nodes have a color coding:

  • blue: host
  • green: storage

Node port

World Wide Port Name (WWPN) of a connected device.

Node ports have the same color coding as nodes.


Set of zones.

BVQ only displays the active zoneset. Inactive zonesets are not shown.

ZoneDefinition of devices that are allowed to communicate with each other.

Zone memberMember of a zone. A zone member can be in the form of WWPN, Port, Device Alias oder FC Alias


Cisco FC Alias.

The more commonly used device alias is not an object type in BVQ. But if a node port has a device alias configured, then BVQ displays this name instead of the WWPN.

The following overview shows the elementary relationships of physical and logical objects:
(blue colored objects are physical, light blue colored objects are logical)

Where to find Cisco objects?

Similar to all other objects, they show up in the BVQ Path browser inside the property panel or can be opened as a Table view from the Favorite browser. All Cisco objects can be combined in an end to end relation to many other objects.

Cisco objects in view Path browserCisco object Table views in BVQ Favorites

Object attributes

BVQ displays all interesting attributes provided by the DCNM through SMI-S. Be aware that this set of parameters is much smaller than what is provided by the Cisco CLI.

In addition, BVQ calculates counters for each object. For example a Cisco fabric knows how many switches it contains, how many switch ports those have and how many of them are connected or free for use. Please explore the BVQ Cisco table view favorites to get an impression of the most important attributes.

Performance and error metrics

The BVQ Cisco module gathers all switch port statistics delivered from the DCNM. To view performance statistics for one or multiple objects, simply select the object(s), right-click and select the performance object type you are interested in.

In the chart view, open the properties panel to select the metrics you are interested in:

 Cisco Switch port metrics

Data transfer

Frame rateRxFrames/sReceived frame rate
Frame rateTxFrames/sSent frame rate
Frame rateRx+TxMiB/sOverall frame rate
Frame rateRx%%% received of total transferred frames

Data rateRxMiB/sReceived data rate
Data rateTxMiB/sSent data rate
Data rateRx+TxMiB/sOverall data rate
Data rateRx%%% received of total transferred data

Data rate util % avgRx%Port bandwidth utilized by overall receive data rate
Data rate util % avgTx%Port bandwidth utilized by overall transmit data rate
Data rate util % avgRx &Tx %Maximum port bandwidth utilization of overall transmit and receive data rate

Data rate util % peakRx%Single object peak port bandwidth utilized by overall receive data rate
Data rate util % peakTx%Single object peak port bandwidth utilized by overall transmit data rate
Data rate util % peakRx & Tx%Single object peak port bandwidth utilization of overall transmit and receive data rate

Frame sizeRxBytes/FrameFramesize received
Frame sizeTxBytes/FrameFramesize transmitted
Frame sizeRx&TxBytes/FrameAverage overall framesize

Frame size minRxBytes/FrameMinimum framesize received
Frame size minTxBytes/FrameMinimum framesize transmitted
Frame size minRx&TxBytes/FrameMinimum average overall framesize

Frame rate by classRx C2Frames/sReceived class 2 frame rate
Frame rate by classRx C3Frames/sReceived class 3 frame rate
Logical layer (peak)
Frame discardsRxTOFrames/sSingle object peak frame timeout rate in received buffer

Frame discards

TxTOFrames/sSingle object peak frame timeout rate in transmitted buffer

Frame discards

OtherFrames/sSingle object peak all other frame discards not due to a timeout (unreachable, zone misses, unrouteable ...)

Offline sequencesRxCount/sSingle object peak offline sequences receive rate
Offline sequencesTxCount/sSingle object peak offline sequence transmit rate
Offline sequencesRx+TxCount/sSingle object peak overall offline sequence rate

Link resetsRxCount/sSingle object peak link reset receive rate
Link resetsTxCount/sSingle object peak link reset transmit rate
Link resetsRx+TxCount/sSingle object peak overall link reset rate
Physical layer (peak)
Encoding errorsInCount/sSingle object peak rate of encoding errors inside frame
Encoding errorsOutCount/sSingle object peak rate of encoding errors outside frame
Encoding errorsIn+OutCount/sSingle object peak overall Encoding error rate

CRC errorsOverallCount/sSingle object peak rate of all CRC errors

Link errorsLFCount/sSingle object peak link failure rate
Link errorsLSYCount/sSingle object peak loss of sync rate
Link errorsLSICount/sSingle object peak loss of signal rate
Lower level
ErrorsProtocolCount/sSingle object peak protocol error rate
ErrorsAddressCount/sSingle object peak address error rate
ErrorsDelimiterCount/sSingle object peak delimiter error rate
ErrorsToo longCount/sSingle object peak rate of too long frames

Horizontal Marker

Charts in BVQ rely on user interpretation in most situations. To support the user to save and visualize general or custom thresholds "Horizontal Marker" has been introduced in the BVQ GUI.

Key Features 

  • Stored with the favorite
  • Dynamic visibility
  • Available for performance and all chartable attributes

To create a marker open a chart and go to the new "Marker Tab". Use the Buttons to add, edit or delete markers.



Use a meaningful label to identify the marker. The Unit will allways be appended.

ColorChoose a color for line and fill

Select the metric the marker will be bound to. 


  • Every metric can be selected independent of the visibility


  • Only metrics visible in the chart can be choosen
UnitSelect a unit the the Threshold is formatted. This is especially useful for capacity values. 
ThresholdValue the marker should be drawn at
VisibleIs the marker visible?

Does the marker draw a background fill?

The Fill is always draw above the marker line up to the next marker.

Visibility Conditions 

To control the visibility of a marker there are 4 conditions which have to keept in mind.

  1. The drawing options are extended with a global "Marker" checkbox. If unchecked no marker will be displayed for this favorite and ignore all other conditions 
  2. A marker will only be shown if the appropriate metric is visible
  3. A marker will only be shown if the "Visible" checkbox is checked
  4. A marker might be invisible if it is scaled out. Due to the Auto-Adjust Feature it might happen that a 90% Marker is invisible if the max chart value is 40%.

VMware: Additional attributes 

With version 6.1 we added many additional attributes to the VMware objects Cluster, Host, Virtual Machine and SCSI Volume. Therefor we updated the related table views and made the attributes available for Alerting and charting in the GUI, Reports and Grafana.

New attributes:

 VM Cluster
DRS enabledCluster vSphere DRS mode enabledCluster vSphere DRS enabled flag for Cluster
DRS defaultVmBehaviorCluster vSphere DRS default VM behaviorCluster vSphere DRS default VM behavior
HA ModeVM HA modeHigh Availability (DAS) mode
DAS Host monitoringCluster HA Host monitoringHigh Availability (DAS) Host monitoring
DAS VM monitoringCluster HA VM monitoringHigh Availability (DAS) VM monitoring
DAS CPU failover resources in %CPU failover resources reservation in percentHigh Availability (DAS) CPU failover resources reservation in percent
DAS Memory failover resources in %Memory failover resources reservation in percentHigh Availability (DAS) Memory failover resources reservation in percent
 vm drs faultVM with a fault in DRSVM that cound't be moved by DRS because of a fault 
drs faultDRS fault codeThe fault code of DRS
 VM Host
VM Host MemVM Host MemoryMemory present in VM Host
Vendor nameVendor nameHardware vendor name
Model nameModel nameHardware model name
Serial numberSerial numberHardware serial number
API VersionVersion of the API...
OS nameName of the operating system...
Boot timeBoot time...
In maint. mode?In maintenance mode?Is system in maintenance mode?
In qaran. mode?In quarantine mode?Is system in quarantine mode?
Conn stateConnection stateConnection state of the system
Power stateHost power statePower state of the Host system
DAS stateDAS Host StateDAS state of the Host
BiosBios versionVersion of the bios
Bios rel.Bios release dateRelease date of the bios
NTP ServerNTP ServerNTP Server
Time zoneTime zoneTime zone
Lock modeLockdown modeLockdown mode
 TSM-SSHTech Support Mode-SSH Tech Support Mode-SSH
 TSMTech Support ModeTech Support Mode
vmsyslogdVM Syslog ServerVM Syslog Server
DNS addressDNS addressAddress of the DNS server
Domain NameDomain Name The Domain Name
searchDomainsearchDomainThe search Domain
 VM Virtual machine
MemoryVM Memory (RAM)Amount of memory (RAM) configured for the virtual machine 
OS versionVM OS versionOperating system version of the virtual machine
HW versionVM Hardware versionHardware/Compatibility version of the virtual machine
HostnameVM HostnameHostname of the virtual machine
Boot timeTime of last bootTimestamp when the virtual machine was last booted
UptimeVM UptimeUptime for the virtual machine
Tools versionVMware Tools versionCurrent version of the VMware tools installed on the virtual machine
Tools statusVMware Tools statusCurrent status of the VMware tools installed on the virtual machine
Tools mountedVMware Tools mountedCurrent mount status of the VMware tools installer on the virtual machine
EVC enabledCPU EVC mode enabledCPU enabled flag for the virtual machine
Min EVC modeMinimum CPU EVC modeMinimum CPU EVC (Enhanced vMotion Compatibility) mode key needed for the virtual machine
HA modeVM HA modeHigh Availability (DAS) mode for the virtual machine
FT infoVM FT infoFault Tolerance info for the virtual machine
FT stateVM FT stateFault Tolerance state for the virtual machine
NotesVM NotesNotes for the virtual machine
Custom attributesVM Custom attributesCustom attributes for the virtual machine (comma separated)
 VM SCSI volume

Lun state

Lun state

The operational states of the LUN.
When more than one item is present in the array, the first state should be considered the primary state.
For example, a LUN may be ok and degraded indicating I/O is still possible to the LUN, but it is operating in a degraded mode.

Lun typeLun type

The type of SCSI device

Format version

Disk format version

VMFS version this SCSI volume is formatted


SSD tier

SSD tier enabled / disabled for the SCSI volume

Transp prot

Transport protocol

Transport protocol of the SCSI volume


Raw device mapping

Raw device mapping is enabled / disabled

vSAN cache diskvSAN cache disk

vSAN cache disk enabled / disabled


Vendor name

Vendor name


Model name

Model name


vStorage support

The hardware acceleration functionality enables the ESXi host to integrate with compliant storage systems

MP pool

Multipath policy

String representing the path selection policy for a device.
* VMW_PSP_FIXED - Use a preferred path whenever possible.
* VMW_PSP_RR - Load balance.
* VMW_PSP_MRU - Use the most recently used path

New license model 

New License needed

To update to BVQ 6.1 a new BVQ License is needed. Please contact the BVQ-Team

With version 6.1 we introduced a new license model. To simplify the usage new licenses wouldn't need specific system id's any more. This will reduce the cases to create a new license because of id changes in your environment.

More detailed license information are available here: 

The license changes are reflected in the BVQ WebUI as well and will provide a better overview.


New licenses are based on entitlements. Capacity for storage, Virtual machine counts for compute platforms and port counts for network layers.

The overview table provide a summary over all systems. The info button will display a more detailed table for each system.

FeatureShows if special features are licensed.
LicenseInformation about the license type.
TimeframeRuntime: The date until BVQ will be usabel.
Support: The date until the customer has purchased support. Without a valid support BVQ updates aren't allowed.

WebUI: BVQ support package

BVQ stores various log files in different locations. All those log files can now be easily collected in one single package. Once provided to the BVQ support team, they can now isolate and fix a potential problem more quickly.

To collect a support package, go to Support > Support package. Select from two types of support packages:

Logs Package
  • Scanner logs of each scanner instance
  • All scanner configurations
  • BVQ-Server logs
  • File count report. How many files are in each folder of bvq-server\data
Logs, Topology and Performance Package
  • Latest 5 topology files of each scanner instance (error, invalid, done, etc.)
  • Latest 5 performance files of each scanner instance (error, invalid, done, etc.)
  • Latest 5 event files of each scanner instance (error, invalid, done, etc.)
  • Scanner logs of each scanner instance
  • All scanner configurations
  • BVQ-Server logs
  • File count report. How many files are in each folder of bvq-server\data

WebUI: Reporting Improvements

In former BVQ releases, topology tables or performance charts could only be used in report templates if the views were previously created in the Expert GUI and stored as favorites in the All-users folder. This was a complex and complicated procedure.

With BVQ 6.1, topology tables and performance charts are now available as report template snippets which makes their usage much easier.

The new snippets can be found here:

 How to create topology table snippets

How to create topology table snippets

In the "Select & Filters"-tab, select and save an object type. Optionally, add one or more object types to the selection path to group the selected object type.
Object types can be reordered by using Drag & Drop. If required, add filters to one or all of the object types. Then choose between flat and tree table mode.

In the "Columns"-tab, select one or more attributes for the object type. Apart from the default attributes, all manually added attributes can be removed again by selecting the "x"-button next to the attribute.

The column order of the attributes can optionally be changed in the "Sorting"-tab using Drag & Drop. For tables in flat mode, columns can be sorted ascending/descending by clicking on the up/down arrow next to the attribute.

Use the "Preview"-Button in the upper right corner of the snippet to get a quick overview of the table that has just been configured.

 How to create performance chart snippets

How to create performance chart snippets

First, select a "Chart object type" in the corresponding tab. Only object types which provide performance metrics can be selected here.

In the "Selection & Filters"-tab, one or more object types can be added to the selection path to group the selected chart object type. If required, filters can be added to any object type. The visibility of an object type can be enabled or disabled.

In the "Metrics"-tab, choose one or more metrics for the selected object type. Keep in mind, that a chart gets confusing quickly if too many objects and/or metrics are selected!

The usage of the "Options"-tab is optional. Here chart related options like line design, latency filters or chart legends can be configured.

Use the "Preview"-Button in the upper right corner of the snippet to get a quick overview of the chart covering the last hour.

Further Enhancements

Export GUI: Ease expansion of objects in tree mode tables

Expanding objects in a tree mode table can require a lot of clicks if the amount of objects is high. To make navigation through different object levels easier, each object type in the path can now be expanded/collapsed separately. Just right-click on the table header and select the required object type to expand up or collapse down to this level.

WebUI: BVQ GUI downloadable from server

To avoid DB schema level mismatches, it is recommended to use a GUI version that matches the BVQ Server version. In the past, the only resource to download the GUI was this Wiki here. While this option still exists, it is now also possible to download the GUI directly from the login screen of the BVQ Server.

WebUI: Add possibility to disable performance scan for SAN and SVC scanners

By default, performance data collection for SVC, Brocade and Cisco scanners is enabled. Just like VMware scanners, an option has been added to those other scanner types to make collection of performance data configurable.

WebUI: Individual data expiration definitions

By default, performance indicators and alert rule results are being deleted from MongoDB after a certain timeframe. Those default values are the following:

  • raw performance data: 31 days
  • 5-minute-interval performance data: 91 days
  • 1-hour-interval performance data: 365 days
  • 1-day-interval performance data: 730 days
  • alert rule results: 28 days

Depending on the number and type of scanned systems in BVQ, the size of the database can increase quite quickly. In addition, data from different systems might be of more or less importance so the above default values are not suitable for all systems.

As a result, the expiration dates in BVQ are now configurable on a per system basis.

There are two ways of adjusting the expiration dates in the WebUI:

  1. Go to Scanner and edit the required scanner configuration. At the bottom of the dialogue, enter the new expiration dates for the selected system:
  2. Go to Administration > Data Expiration. Each system scanned by BVQ is listed here. Use the Edit-Button to open the scanner-configuration dialogue and adjust the expiration dates for this particular system. To adjust the default values so that expiration dates change for all scanned systems, click on Edit default expiration dates on the upper right corner of the page.

WebUI: Ease identification of Scanner problems

If a BVQ configuration contains a lot of scanner instances, it was often difficult to find out if all scanners were working properly or if there were any issues. To make identification of erroneous scanners easier, they are duplicated on top of the scanner overview page under "Critical configurations".

WebUI: Exclusion/Re-inclusion of alert rule ojects

Alert rules help to monitor the health of the monitored systems. As long as all objects have a good status, everything's fine. Objects in warning or error state are often cause for worry and indicate a more or less critical issue. But there can be circumstances where an object is known to be in error state, e.g. a hardware part is known to be broken but won't be repaired within the next days. In this case, it is annoying that the Systems Health Map shows a bad result although the reason is understood and a solution underway. Those objects are then typically excluded from the view. Inclusion of the object was a manual process which means that the excluded object never shows up again in this particular alert rule if you forgot to include it manually.

To avoid this from happening, more options to automatically reinclude an object after inclusion have been added to the exclusion-dialogue:

  • Go to Alerting > Results, select the alert rule of interest and click on the eye-icon next to the required object:
  • the exclude/include-dialogue offers different methods to auto-include the object:

    • select "Manually" to re-include the object individually (default option)
    • select "At next Alert rule run after" and enter date and time. In this case, the object is auto-included once this alert rule is executed the first time after this date. Be aware that - dependent on the execution frequency of the rule - the inclusion of the object is much later than the defined date and time!
    • select "At next transition to default Alert level" to auto-include the object the next time it changes to default level. Default level typically is the OK-state unless the user has defined a different default level.
    • select "At next transition to Alert level" and enter the alert level to auto-include the object the next time it changes to this level.

WebUI: Show license status on Home dashboard

For easier determination of a license issue, the license status is now visible on the BVQ WebUI Home dashboard. Once logged it, the status is shown in the upper right corner of the dashboard. A click into the box takes you directly to Administration > License where you can see all details of the license and identify potential license issues quickly.

Requirements and restrictions 

Requirements of the HW/SW environment

Please see Supported Environments

Minimum BVQ version required for an update


Known Issues

(support agreement needed to get access credentials)

Update from a previous MongoDB Installation step by step 

  1. Preparations
    • Check for the correct function of the whole environmentin particular the function of the scanner.
    • Manual stop of BVQ Scanner- and Server-services and also close all GUIs
    • Backup the BVQ installation directory and BVQ DB (e.g. DB backup with mongodump or VMware snapshots) 
    • Restart the BVQ Scanner
  2. Update BVQ Install Package Repository: bvq-package-repository-installer-x64-V6.1(.x).exe
    1. MongoDB update
    2. BVQ GUI update
    3. BVQ Server update
  3. Test the function of the BVQ environment.
  4. If necessary inform colleagues about the need to update locally installed BVQ GUI clients.  


 Version 6.1.8

Version 6.1.8

New features

Issue ID




Issue ID



BVQ-15521Server: SHMModify & add predefined VMware vSAN Disk group alerts
BVQ-15425Server: Support packageRemove delay when clicking "Create support package"/ "Run report" & long waiting on 100%
BVQ-15368CommonDisable JMX RMI for BVQ java processes

Bug fixes

Issue ID



MajorBVQ-15394GUIEstimated IO density heat coloring is not shown
MajorBVQ-15510Server: ReportingSRS Performance Report: Percent values factor 100 too high
MinorBVQ-15522GUIClassCastException for numeric / date flat table filter value when opening favo or changing columns
MinorBVQ-15534LicenseUnlicensed ports are counted for license

 Version 6.1.7

Version 6.1.7

New features

Issue ID




Issue ID



BVQ-14630WebUI: ReportingNew improved Brocade SAN Reports
BVQ-15326WebUI: ReportingNew improved Brocade SAN Performance Report
BVQ-13374WebUI: AlertingVisualize enabled/disabled alert rules with coloring in Manage alert rules menu
BVQ-14471WebUI: AlertingMissing and incorrect filters in predefined alert rule "SVC Thin provisioned VDisk copy contingency capacity too low"
BVQ-13992WebUI: ScannerShow license-status for hftcs in scanner-overview
BVQ-15380WebUI: Scanner: Cisco / BrocadeSupport "Ignore SSL check" for CIMClient based scans
BVQ-14501WebUI: SHMAdd SHM System Alerts for VM CPU wait % metrics
BVQ-13085Maintenance modeShow log output of mongod.log during schema migration
BVQ-14014GUI: FilteringAdd "subelementcount > 0" as predefined filter option
BVQ-14628GUI: DetailPane: "All"-TabAdd TreeTableControl to search Attributes-TreeTable
BVQ-14534VMware: MetricsAdd peak metrics for latency

Bug fixes

Issue ID



MajorBVQ-15394Broadened PerformanceDuplicate Key Exceptions because of svc_vdisk_uid = null
MajorBVQ-14676GUIHangs on startup due to views.xml file with newer version
MajorBVQ-15409WebUI: ReportingExecution of aggregated chart report with filter runs into exception
MajorBVQ-15348WebUI: ReportingHorizontal marker don't show up in report snippets
MajorBVQ-15391WebUI: AlertingUnexpected behaviour when overwriting threshold defaults in predefined alert rules
MajorBVQ-15305WebUI: AlertingPredefined AR input fields don't accept floating numbers on English language systems
MinorBVQ-15450GUI: Table view10GBit FC Ports (FCoE) not rendered properly
MinorBVQ-15481GUI: Table viewException on modifying tables when columns are hidden 
MinorBVQ-15388GUI: Event viewResults for BVQ object types (e.g. Application) are not visible
MinorBVQ-14784GUI: Horizontal markerLabel background is sometimes not visible or set
MinorBVQ-15419WebUI: AlertingPre-filter in predefined alert rules don't work
MinorBVQ-15378WebUI: ReportingBugs in (SRS Capacity) Report
MinorBVQ-15396WebUI: Scanner configError message when trying to delete scanner and system from DB
MinorBVQ-15455LicenseGUI does not recognize license if runtime.validUntil is exact the same date as current date
MinorBVQ-15454LicensePersist pre-execution check does not regard grace period
MinorBVQ-14565Maintenance ModeDisable navigation between steps
MinorBVQ-15458CiscoRestore on topo persist error uses SVC Cluster/SAN Agent instead of CISCO_DCNM
MinorBVQ-15463BrocadeRestore on topo persist error uses SVC Cluster instead of SAN_AGENT in PreExecution case
MinorBVQ-15451VMWare: LatenciesNormalization and Aggregation for VmScsiLunToVmHost and VmVirtualDiskToVmVmPerformance broken
MinorBVQ-15457VMWareNo pre execution checks during event persist
MinorBVQ-15427VMWareOut Of memory exception during packaging of VMWare performance files
MinorBVQ-15466VMWareRestore on topo persist error uses SVC Cluster instead of VM VIServer in PreExecution case

 Version 6.1.6

Version 6.1.6

New features

Issue ID




Issue ID



BVQ-14474Performance MetricsAdd Peak values for VMware VM CPU % wait metrics
BVQ-14694WebUIImprove logging for FilesystemAccessCheck
BVQ-15311WebUI: Predefined alert rulesAdd additional SAN & SVC rules
BVQ-15313WebUI: SystemsHealthMapImprove descriptions

Bug fixes

Issue ID



MajorBVQ-14668GUI: AttributesNode port attribute "attachment" does not show a value
MajorBVQ-15314GUI: ChartDifferent values in readout and chart if interval is set to 15 minutes
MajorBVQ-15302GUI: ChartDifferent values in readout and chart if moving average is enabled
MajorBVQ-15370GUI: Chart

Different values in readout and chart for native interval

MinorBVQ-15266GUI: FavoritesAlert & Event favorites open with change flag
MinorBVQ-14970WebUI: AlertingCISCO Rules improvements 
MinorBVQ-15365WebUI: AlertingLinks in predefined alert rules not working
MinorBVQ-15273WebUI: AlertingWrong conditions and description in predefined alert rule "VDisk compression efficiency low"
MinorBVQ-15312WebUI: AlertingFix units and description in predefined alert rules "Cisco Switch F-Port Utilization" & "Switch F-Port Utilization"
MinorBVQ-15350WebUI: ScannerEvent and Hftcs Persist events are counted as Scan events in scanner statistics
MinorBVQ-15372SVC: PersistUnable to persist topology file

 Version 6.1.5

Version 6.1.5

New features

Issue ID




Issue ID



BVQ-14831GUIEnable SSL/TLS for mongoDB connection
BVQ-14608GUIHorizontal marker improvements
BVQ-15209Licensing: EnclosureAllow TiB licensing alternative to Enclosure based

Bug fixes

Issue ID



CriticalBVQ-15283WebUI: AlertingException after trying to save alert rule in custom alert rule editor
MajorBVQ-15248GUI: Event viewFilter not applied correctly
MajorBVQ-15236WebUI: ScannerVMware scanner fails with "The session is not authenticated"
MinorBVQ-15187VMware: Event scanDuplicateKeyException when trying to persist VMware events
MinorBVQ-15006GUI: EventViewBVQ alerts for Drive (SVC) shows Tech type instead of SVC ID as Object
MinorBVQ-15272GUI: Eventview: PerformanceObject Type tree incomplete
MinorBVQ-15260GUI: FavoritesRemove old Event favorite in System/Storage/SVC/Table views
MinorBVQ-15186GUINullPointerException in "General SVC performance overview"
MinorBVQ-15264GUITreeTable expand breaks undo / redo
MinorBVQ-15246WebUI: ReportingChart favorite without visible objects should render aggragte
MinorBVQ-15224WebUI: RESTJSON Parse error when rendered in FF
MinorBVQ-296WebUI: Notifications

Improve error message for invalid Notification configurations

 Version 6.1.4

Version 6.1.4

New features

Issue ID




Issue ID



BVQ-14639WebUI: Scanner Overview

Link log download button to support package page


Allow storewizes to be licensed by enclosure


Change MEM_SWAPIN/MEM_SWAPOUT and corresponding PIs to swap in / out rate


Toleration support for vCenter Code level

Bug fixes

Issue ID



CriticalBVQ-15112Topo PersistSVC VDisk copy sync called to often and mdisk persist too slow in huge environments
MajorBVQ-15185WebUI: AlertingExceeded memory limit for $group
MinorBVQ-14908WebUI: Administration

Cluster Deletion Tool should remove performance and event data

MinorBVQ-15104WebUI: Alerting

Wong condition in Alert rule "VM Disk group write low buffer free %"

MinorBVQ-15145LicenseLicense not read with UTF-8 character set
MinorBVQ-15102Topo Persist

Misleading log messages about skipped objects persistence

MinorBVQ-15070CLI PersisterSAN CLI Persist fails

 Version 6.1.3

Version 6.1.3

New features

Issue ID



BVQ-14432VMware & BrocadeReceive Event log information via SNMP traps


Issue ID



BVQ-14934GUI: FavoritesSplit Event favorites
BVQ-14938GUI: Event FavoritesSet default interval to 1d
BVQ-14872WebUIEvent expiry
BVQ-14903WebUI: ScannerMonitor status for local scanner process
BVQ-14797WebUI: AlertingCreate default alert rules for CISCO
BVQ-14612WebUI: Reporting: Templates: Topo table snippet: Sorting-TabMake attribute names unique
BVQ-14691Common: SVCSupport for new IBM Spectrum Virtualize and FlashSystem models

Bug fixes

Issue ID



MajorBVQ-15073Brocade PersistNPEs during Brocade perf persist
MinorBVQ-14820GUIAdding a group of attributes to a table leads to different order of columns than in store
MinorBVQ-14664GUIExeception when trying to to save table with sanport_porttype-Filter
MinorBVQ-14896GUINPE when resizing TreeTable Column via double click
MinorBVQ-14783GUINew Windows open in different sizes than the main window
MinorBVQ-14953GUI: Table viewFilter "Empty" cannot be saved
MinorBVQ-14923GUI: Table viewFilter become invalid after switching table mode
MinorBVQ-14854GUI: Topo viewColumn filter does not work for "visible" column
MinorBVQ-14874GUI: Topo viewIsolate and Detail doesn't display object type names
MinorBVQ-14868GUI: EventViewView loads information for non-relevant object types (visible in progressbar)
MinorBVQ-14889Performance IndicatorBroadenedPerformanceDao.createBroadenPerformanceCalculator = false has no effect
MinorBVQ-14941WebUI: AlertingImported alert rules are not calculated
MinorBVQ-14940WebUI: Alerting: Custom Alert RulesAlertrules with empty Filter in Selection cannot be activated
MinorBVQ-14858WebUI: Alerting: Predefined Alert RulesLink in description not found
MinorBVQ-14602GrafanaCertain topo capacity metric are missing (e.g. SVC Cluster)
MinorBVQ-14891WebUI: ReportingIllegalArgumentException when looping over chart type
MinorBVQ-14749WebUI: Reporting: Report ListReports based on "invalid" templates aren't marked as invalid
MinorBVQ-14928WebUI: ScannerReuse of scanner name after deletion and server restart fails
MinorBVQ-14592WebUI: Support PackageAdd version.txt and mongodb logs

 Version 6.1.2

Version 6.1.2


Issue ID



BVQ-14816Grafana: VMwareNew 'VMware - Cluster overview' Dashboard
BVQ-14781SVCAdd support for new drive tech_type "tier_scm"
BVQ-14620CiscoBe able to link a physical Switch to a Room/Site

Bug fixes

Issue ID



MajorBVQ-14832Server: LicensingCisco ports are not counted
MajorBVQ-14826Server: Persist: CiscoObjectNotValidException
MajorBVQ-14726WebUI: Reporting: Performance ChartFilter Help for Perf Chart OT missiung
MinorBVQ-14818GUContext Menu on tab header causes exception
MinorBVQ-14842GUIException when trying to change metric color
MinorBVQ-14841GUI: EventViewUnable to check an unchecked checkbox
MinorBVQ-14679GUI: Properties: Table tabPI metric selections missing
MinorBVQ-14836WebUI: ReportingConfigured charts and tables don't react to loop snippets
MinorBVQ-14808WebUI: AlertingSystem Rule lowNumberOfCompressedVDisksUsedIOGroup uses wrong attribute
MinorBVQ-14802Grafana: CiscoFull_qualified_name is "name"

 Version 6.1.1

Version 6.1.1

New features

Issue ID




Issue ID



BVQ-14465GUINew system favos for Cisco
BVQ-14603GUILoading views is too slow
BVQ-14535GUI: Dot notation: AttributesEase chooser usage 
BVQ-14692GUI: Dot notation: AttributesChange sort & filter mode attribute handling
BVQ-14636GUI: Dot notationTechnical Name should be shown consistent in table header tooltips
BVQ-14658GUI: Favourites: VMwareEnrich existing VMware favourites with additional attributes
BVQ-14558GUI: Table viewShow Object type and Attribute name in table header in two rows for tables in flat mode
BVQ-14686GUI: FavoritesAdd horizontal markers to existing Favorites
BVQ-14433ScannerScan Brocade events via SNMP
BVQ-14606VMwareAdd attribute names for VM SCSI volume (vm_scsilun)
BVQ-14780SANSome switch port attribute descriptions need to be improved
BVQ-14365Alerting: CiscoCreate default alert rules for CISCO
BVQ-14588Alerting: VMwareAdd predefined alert rules for VMware
BVQ-14791WebUIReplace "Download logs" button with link to support package
BVQ-14769WebUIImprove some predefined alerting rules descriptiony
BVQ-14739WebUI: ReportingSeveral minor fixes and improvements
BVQ-14804WebUI: Reporting

Unable to save perf chart snippets for certain object types

BVQ-14685WebUI: NotificationsAdd help information to email notification
BVQ-14683GrafanaAdd new Cisco Fabric overview & reworked dashboards

Bug fixes

Issue ID



CriticalBVQ-14725WebUI: Reporting: Snippet LoopCannot select an Atribute for Snippet Loop Headers
MajorBVQ-14674WebUIUnable to delete systems from DB
MajorBVQ-14675GUI: Table viewPropeties panel opens with wrong tab
MajorBVQ-14701SVCPortType iSER leads to IllegalArgumentException during perf persist
MajorBVQ-14741Grafana: PluginDropdown entries are invisible
MinorBVQ-14557GUIMetric-View Layout ignores empty spaces
MinorBVQ-14569GUIView in multiview looses selection
MinorBVQ-14706ReportingLoop Snippet does incorrect apply to TopoTableSnippet
MinorBVQ-14757Cisco/Brocade Switch portsanport_speed = sanport_maxspeed although no device connected
MinorBVQ-14660Topology persistcontroller_merge_id is null for disk array

 Version 6.1

Version 6.1

New features

Issue ID



BVQ-14083SANSupport for Cisco MDS FC switches
BVQ-14426WebUIBVQ Support Package
BVQ-14097 & BVQ-14094 & BVQ-14095GUIHorizontal marker
BVQ-14372ReportingAdd performance chart and topo table snippets


Issue ID



BVQ-14080WebUIBVQ GUI download from BVQ Server
BVQ-14154WebUIShow Notification on BVQ Server Home Dashboard if License has status != "ok"
BVQ-13539WebUIDisplay scan-problems more prominently in overview
BVQ-14503WebUIProvide download progress tracker
BVQ-14187WebUIAdd change tracking to alert rule wizard and scanner config
BVQ-14507WebUI: AlertingDo not allow to save an alert rule if condition is not saved
BVQ-14491WebUI: Alerting: Custom rulesReplace folders by categories
BVQ-14333WebUI: Systems Health MapExcluded entries should Re-Include automatically in certain circumstances
BVQ-14342WebUI: ConfigurationMove General data expiry config panel to Administration
BVQ-9595WebUI: SchedulerData expiry configurable per system
BVQ-12306GUIShow BVQ version in cluster selection window title
BVQ-13996GUI: Event viewLegend
BVQ-13995GUI: Event viewUse Standard DP for Details
BVQ-14374GUI: Event viewAdd Event Filtering to Capacity charts
BVQ-11276GUI: Event viewAdd Export function
BVQ-12321GUI: FavoritesSort order for MV Subviews
BVQ-12183GUI: Perf view: Metric legendShow if Latency-filtered 
BVQ-11823GUI: System selection dialogDon't allow GUI to start if no System is selected
BVQ-11522GUI: Table viewBe able to add attributes of leading path objects
BVQ-12771GUI: Chart view: TimingAdd "auto adjust all" to "put timing to all open" menu 
BVQ-14434GUI: Topo TablesImprove column handling
BVQ-11566GUI: TreetableExtend "Expand all" & be able to store state in Favorite
BVQ-14566GrafanaMove bvq-grafana-package creation to maven prozess
BVQ-14399ScannerEnable Perf-Scan toggler for SAN & SVC Scanners
BVQ-14412ScannerError folder expiry
BVQ-14411Scanner: VMware Cleanup performance/incoming folder after 1d
BVQ-14550SVCSVC 8.3.1 Toleration Support
BVQ-11273SVCAdd new drive attributes DWPD (drive writes per day)
BVQ-10939SVCIntegrate NPIV Host attachment node ports
BVQ-13714SVC: Object type: VDiskAdd FE MDisk Link 
BVQ-13724SAN: BrocadeAdd Foreign linked object "Principal Switch" to object type Brocade Fabric
BVQ-14472VMwareNew attributes for Oject Types VM Cluster, VM Host, VM SCSI Volume and VM Virtual machine
BVQ-14502FilteringAdd dot notation for linked objects
BVQ-14564Licensemigrate to YAML based license files

Bug fixes

Issue ID



MinorBVQ-14622VMWarePerformance Scan & Persist scan log entries not used for overall scanner status calculation