BVQ 5.5


New SAN Module

Brief description

The BVQ SAN Package is a complete new extension package for BVQ. It introduces support for Brocade SAN switches and directors. It enables you to interactively explore your SAN configuration and check it for issues, chart SAN Switch port performance and error metrics, create reports about port utilization and drill through all the layers between SVC, BVQ, and VMware objects in end to end views.


Similar to all other available BVQ add on packages, its licensing is based on the capacity of a licensed primary system platform (Spectrum virtualize (SVC), Storwize, ...). Please review the BVQ License Information Page or ask your sales contact for more information. 

Information gathering

To collect information a BVQ SAN Scanner needs to be configured to connect to a Brocade SMI/S Provider, which can be enabled as part of a Brocade Network Advisor (BNA). There is an issue with the Brocade SMI provider and the tracking of changes, so we strongly recommend to use the free (headless) Brocade SMI provider separately or at least to switch off "Track changes" in the BNA. See Supported Environments for more details and the supported versions of the Brocade SMI provider.

Supported SAN objects

This first version of the BVQ SAN Package supports basic elements of a SAN environment. The following overview depicts the elementary relationships of these objects and their link to connected BVQ objects:

Where to find SAN objects?

Similar to all other objects, they show up in the BVQ Path browser inside the view property panel or can be opened as a Table from the Favorite browser. All SAN objects can be combined in an end to end relation to all other objects.

SAN objects in view Path browserSAN object Table views in BVQ Favorites

 BVQ SAN object details
SAN AgentThe SMI Provider gathering information for the monitored SAN Devices
SANThe SAN to which the monitored SAN Fabrics belong to. Only routed SANs will contain more than one SAN Fabric in a SAN.

SAN Fabric

Part of a SAN, that contains one or more interlinked (logical) SAN Switches.
SAN SwitchRepresents a logical SAN Switch configured inside a physical SAN Switch or Director as part of a SAN Fabric.
SAN ChassisRepresents the physical SAN Switch or Director. A BVQ Room connected to a BVQ Site can be configured for it.
SAN Switch portFiber channel Port of a SAN Switch. This can be physically cabled to a SAN Node port or to a SAN Switch port of another Switch.
SAN TrunkMultiple SAN Switch ISLs can be bundled to a SAN Trunk to improve the performance an availability of a Switch to Switch connection.
SAN ISLInterconnection between two SAN Switch ports to bind another SAN Switch into the same SAN Fabric. Multiple ISLs can be grouped to a SAN Trunk
SAN Node portFiber channel port inside a SAN attached device (host, storage system, ...) connected to a SAN Switch port. BVQ directly connects them to gathered Ports of BVQ monitored storage systems.
Primary identifier: World Wide Port Name (WWPN)
SAN Node

One or more ports physically places inside the same device show up in a SAN Node.
Primary identifier: World Wide Node Name (WWNN)

SAN PlatformA configured FDMI driver of a SAN Node device can deliver more helpful information about the system driving the SAN Node ports (e.g. Hostname, Device driver Version).

Object attributes

BVQ displays the full set of all reported attributes for each supported SAN object. Be aware that only a subset of configuration parameters is reported by the Brocade SMI provider. In addition, BVQ calculates counters for each grouping object, so that their number of grouped objects are known. For example a SAN Fabric knows how many SAN Switches it contains, how many SAN Switch ports they have and how many of them are connected or free for use. Please explore the BVQ SAN Table view favorites to get an impression of the most important attributes.

Performance and error metrics

The BVQ SAN Package gathers all SAN Switch port statistics delivered from the Brocade SMI provider. Similar to all other statistics, you can simply drill into a chart with the statistics related to an object with a simple click on the SAN entry in the context menu of this object:

That opens our well known BVQ Chart view, where you can select statistic metrics in the selection panel. The following screenshot shows the full set of available metrics in the expert tab:

 SAN Switch port statistic details

These are the available SAN Switch port statistics in more detail:


Data transfer

Data rateRxMiB/sReceived data rate
Data rateTxMiB/sSent data rate
Data rateRx+TxMiB/sOverall data rate
Data rateRx%%% received of total transferred data

Frame rateRxFrames/sReceived frame rate
Frame rateTxFrames/sSent frame rate
Frame rateRx+TxFrames/sOverall frame rate
Frame rateRx%%% received of total transferred frames

Frame sizeRxByteFramesize received
Frame sizeTxByteFramesize sent
Frame sizeRx&TxByteWeighted average overall framesize

Frame rate by classRx C2Frames/sReceived class 2 frame rate
Frame rate by classRx C3Frames/sReceived class 3 frame rate
Logical layer

Buffer credit wait

%%Buffer to buffer credit zero wait %

Frame discardsRxTOFrames/sFrame timeout rate in receive buffer

Frame discards

TxTOFrames/sFrame timeout rate in transmit buffer

Frame discards

OtherFrames/sAll other frame discards not due to a timeout (unreachable, zone misses, unrouteable ...)

Offline sequencesRxCount/sOffline sequences receive rate
Offline sequencesTxCount/sOffline sequence send rate
Offline sequencesRx+TxCount/sOverall offline sequence rate

Link resetsRxCount/sLink reset receive rate
Link resetsTxCount/sLink reset send rate
Link resetsRx+TxCount/sOverall link reset rate

Invalid ordered setsRxCount/sInvalid ordered set rate
Physical layer
Encoding errorsInCount/sRate of encoding errors inside frame
Encoding errorsOutCount/sRate of encoding errors outside frame
Encoding errorsIn+OutCount/sOverall Encoding error rate

CRC errorsGEOFCount/sRate of CRC errors with good End Of Frame (EOF) delimiter
CRC errorsOverallCount/sRate of all CRC errors

Link errorsLFCount/sLink failure rate
Link errorsLSYCount/sLoss of sync rate
Link errorsLSICount/sLoss of signal rate
Lower level
ErrorsProtocolCount/sProtocol error rate
ErrorsAddressCount/sAddress error rate
ErrorsDelimiterCount/sDelimiter error rate
ErrorsToo longCount/sRate of too long frames

Use cases

You can find a collection of use cases on the BVQ SAN Package (Brocade) page.

Other information

 Known restrictions
SAN RoutingToleration support only. Full Feature support can be added to a later release
SAN ZoningWill be added in the next major release
SAN Access gatewayWill be added in the next major release
SAN Director bladeLimited support. Currently the blade slot number is unknown. This will be added in one of the next releases.
SAN NPIVLimited support. Full feature support will be added in the next major release
Separate SMI ProviderRecommended. A problem in the SMI provider of current BNA versions prohibits its use in combination with BNA change tracking.

SAN System Favorites (v5.5.3)

In v5.5.3 several predefined SAN favorites have been added. They allow a quick and easy overview or analysis of all SANs scanned by BVQ.

The following favorites can now be found in the System folder:

  • Table views for every SAN Object Type
  • SAN topology multiview favorites
  • SAN performance multiview favorites
  • Qualification of SAN objects
  • SAN analytic favorites

To get more information, either click on View Info for the selected SAN favorite in the System tree...

... or open a new favorite and hover the mouse over the window-symbol in the upper left corner of a window or view

A window will pop-up explaining

  • what the use case of the favorite/view is
  • how to interprete the displayed results
  • which information to expect/not to expect in the view and what the next recommended actions are

New Alerting Engine

With version 5.5 BVQ got a whole new alerting engine which replaces the old module functionality completely.

New key features:

  • Web UI to visualize alerting results
  • Flexible object selection to avoid manual mappings
  • Alert conditions based on topology attributes and all available performance indicators
  • Alert rule creation possible from the Web UI and the Classic GUI
  • New notification concept with new additional options

Alerting Web UI

The new Alerting Web UI is available via the BVQ-Server and splitted into two main areas Overview and Manage alert rules

  • Overview: Get an overview of the current and historical alert levels for all alert rules, one specific alert rule or even one specific object
  • Manage alert rules: Create, edit, delete or organize your alert rules

Manage alert rules

Alert rules can be created and edited form the Web UI and Classic GUI and require some configuration in different sections.

NameA user defined name for the alert rule. It should express the usecase for this rule.
Object Type

The object type is the base object, all alert conditions are applied on.

(info) From the viewpoint of the Classic GUI it can be seen as the last object in the path.

Default alert levelIf no alert condition matches in this rule, the default alert level is applied as current state (typical value: OK).
Fallback alert levelIf conditions can't be calculated the fallback level is applied as current state. This might happen, if there are missing performance values (typical value: Unknown).
EnabledOnly enabled alert rules will be calculated.

To define a subset of objects, the alert rule should be applied to it is possible to add multiple selection definitions. Each definition will be applied to a specific object type.
Selection definitions are evaluated top → down and can be rearranged using drag & drop.

(info) The selection actually is a topology filter in the Treemap and utilizes the powerful functionality of the enhanced filtering options.

Alert condition

It's possible to add multiple alert conditions with different alert levels and filters to one alert rule.
Alert condition filters are based on the enhanced filtering. As there is no visual assistant in the Web UI now, we recommend to create your filter within the Classic GUI. It is still possible to tweak or change the rules later in the Web UI.

(warning) Alert conditions are always evaluated top → down end exit with the first match.

Report config

One alert rule can contain multiple report configs. Per default there is a Default alerting file you can choose as report type (Notification). You can create your own Notifications and choose them as report type. All level changes are published to this Notification config and handled accordingly.

Using the From and To level, it is possible to define dedicated alerts. A notification will only be send if the level changes.

Execution config

Define the execution schedule for this alert rule using Cron syntax.

Comment Allows to add documentation about this alert rule

Notification concept

With this version we introduce a new concept to notify the user. Use the BVQ Web UI to configure all its options, like Notification configurations, Email servers, log filenames and others. You give each Notification configuration a specific name, by which it can be reused in any Alert rule.

(info) Although the notifications are only used within the alerting right now there are many plans for the near future to use this concept for different usecases.

(Email) Servers

The Email server can be used in multiple notification configurations. For that you need to give it an unique name.

Notification configurations

A Notification configuration defines how the notification should be delivered. The settings vary in detail based on the selected type.

At this time we support the following notification types:

 TypeSettings Notes
EmailEmail server, sender, recipientYou can add multiple receiver addresses using a ; as seperator
FileFilenameThe filename should already include the output extension (xxx.log)
SlackSlack webhook URL

SVC 8.2 & IBM FlashSystem 9100 support

On July 10th, 2018, IBM has announced the next generation FlashSystem product built with Spectrum Virtualize capabilities. The FS9100 is running SW version 8.2.0. BVQ is ready to scan and support both, the new hardware and the new software. This support was added in BVQ v5.5.2

SVC 7.6 & 7.8.1 feature support

SVC 7.6 - Distributed RAID (DRAID) support

A new type of RAID has been introduced in SVC v7.6 - Distributed RAID (DRAID).

While traditional RAID arrays have one or more dedicated spare drives which are idle unless an active member in the array fails, DRAID arrays have so called rebuild areas which means there is no dedicated spare drive and all drives in the array can do I/O.

DRAIDs have two major advantages over traditional RAID arrays: greater throughput and a massively reduced rebuild time in case of a drive failure.

There are a bunch of new attributes related to DRAID which can now be displayed in the Detail Pane for Object Type "Drive Array".

SVC 7.6 - Hyperswap & Remote Copy integration

When creating a volume on an SVC cluster configured in Hyperswap topology, four VDisks are created:

  • one "master" VDisk
  • one "auxiliary" VDisk which is in an active-active remote copy relationship with the "master" VDisk
  • two change volumes which are flash copy targets for "master" and "auxiliary" VDisk

All new SVC attributes related to the new feature are now included in BVQ.

To make it easier to find out which VDisks belong to a volume, BVQ displays the master's volume name (instead of its own VDisk name) followed by a suffix indicating the use of the VDisk. The names of related FC mappings are displayed in a similar way:

VDisk display nameFC map display name
MMaster VDiskM>MCMaster to Master change
AAuxiliary VDiskA>ACAuxiliary to Auxiliary change
MCChange volume for master VDiskMC>MMaster change to Master
ACChange volume for auxiliary VDiskAC>AAuxiliary change to Auxiliary

Some examples for RC relationships, FC mappings and related VDisks:

The same name-suffix-logic also applies to VDisks and FC mappings of GMCV relationships (Global Mirror with Change Volumes):


SVC 7.8.1 - Port Congestion Performance Statistics

Some additional SVC FC node port congestion statistics became available in SVC v7.8.1 which are helpful to explore problems between SVC and SAN. Prior to SVC v7.8.1 (which means 8GB FC HBAs), metric Buffer credit zero wait % (BBCZ) has always been helpful but this metric is no longer reported by 16GB (and newer) FC HBAs. To cover this gap, IBM developed this new congestion statistic set which is available for FC port types. Please refer to the IBM documentation for more details about them. Especially Transfer congestion > Normal > Blocked int % is the most comparable to Buffer credit zero wait % and has the same meaning: % of measured interval blocked due to congestion.

The new congestion statistics can be found in the metric chooser's Basic- and Expert-Tab of object type "SVC Node Port":

Basic Port congestion statisticsExpert Port congestion statistics

GUI Improvements

New menu to add table columns

Adding columns to a table is now much easier than in earlier releases because a new menu allows you to select multiple attributes at once. All attributes available for the selected object type including their description and CLI notation are listed in this new menu. Just right-click on the table header column and select "Table columns". The new menu opens and you can simply add one ore more new attributes by single-clicking on the check-box or double-clicking anywhere on the selected row.

Open the Table columns configuration panel from the table menuTable columns configuration panel in the view's properties

Enhanced Chart Context Menu

The chart context menu which open on a right click on the chart background has been made more user friendly. More actions can now be performed via a single menu:

  • use Timing to select a different time interval
  • choose Metrics to change, add or remove metrics
  • go to Objects to select the objects that should be charted
  • adjust Drawing options if required
  • select General to change the path to display different object types in a different hierarchy


Path Base Charting (PBC) in Object Context Menu

Path Based Charting was introduced in v5.3 (see v5.3 Introduction of PBC), continued in v5.4 (see v5.4 Enhanced PBC) and completely replaced the old chart view consistently in this release. Now a PBC view also opens, when called from the Object Context Menu. A so invoked PBC view opens with the chart in the top section and a table section showing all contained objects below it. A path is preselected for that view, that only contains /BVQ/<chosen object type>.  As usual, only the "Aggregated" object visible, but in a PBC view, the leading path element "BVQ" has taken over this role. The chosen object type path element is also filtered to only contain the objects that had been selected before the context menu was opened. To change the visibility of your objects, use the new Chart > Objects dialog in the view's properties or the Chart visibility menu options in the object context menu.

Call a PBC from Object Context MenuChange object visibility in View PropertiesChange visibility in Object Context Menu

Object specific actions in Table view

In previous releases, a all cells of a row in a Table view only behave as the primary object. For example, a double-click anywhere in the row opened the Detail pane for the given object of that row. In this release, all cells showing references to other objects allow specific action on these. For example, a double-click on such a cell will open the Detail pane for this object. Its Object Context Menu also offers specific actions (change chart visibility, call PBC, select it in another view, ...). A cell that supports that feature shows the object's name underlined.

Improved BVQ Server Web UI

The BVQ-Server Web UI has been migrated to a new CSS Framework (VueJS). In this process we improved many details and reorganized some pages.

Scanner overview

  • The old scanner overview showed a state based on the last task of a scanner or persist, which could lead to confusing results if tasks are executed in different schedules. For each task we now made a visual representation.
  • Scan and persist duration with their histograms have been moved to a separate screen. Click the status button to get to the new overview.
  • The log button disappeared. To view the logs you can just click the green/red button for each state of a scanner.

Reduced Sidebar Navigation Entries

  • Some top level navigation links in the sidebar are now grouped an a more appropriate Administration or Support group
  • Host, Database, Cache and Heap Information are now grouped in a new "System Information" page

Requirements and restrictions 

Requirements of the HW/SW environment

Please see Supported Environments

Minimum BVQ version required for an update

V5.0.1 (with Data Migration )

V5.1.0 (without Data Migration)

Recommended Java Runtime version 64bit

Known Issues

(support agreement needed to get access credentials)

Update from a previous MongoDB Installation step by step 

  1. Preparations
    • Check for the correct function of the whole environmentin particular the function of the scanner.
    • Manual stop of BVQ Scanner-, Alerting- and  Scheduler-services and also all GUIs and reporting-clients
    • Backup the BVQ installation directory and BVQ DB (e.g. DB backup with mongodump or VMware snapshots) 
    • Restart the BVQ Scanner
  2. Update BVQ Install Package Repository: bvq-package-repository-installer-x64-V5.5(.x).exe
    1. MongoDB update
    2. BVQ GUI update
    3. BVQ Alerting update
    4. BVQ Server update
  3. Test the function of the BVQ environment.
  4. If necessary inform colleagues about the need to update locally installed BVQ GUI clients.  


 Version 5.5.6

Version 5.5.6

New features

Issue ID




Issue ID



BVQ-13760GUIAllow analytic favorites and views with more than one path element

Bug fixes


Issue ID



CriticalBVQ-13693GUI: Perf View: Node portSome calculation & aggregation errors in congestion metrics
MinorBVQ-13758ReportingRendering a favorite with chart & table can lead to NullPointerException due to missing columns
MinorBVQ-13788REST InterfaceData source link fails to open if name of favorite folder and view are identical

 Version 5.5.5

Version 5.5.5

New features

Issue ID




Issue ID



Bug fixes


Issue ID



CriticalBVQ-13689SVC Performance PersistFallback commands not executed when error occurs
CriticalBVQ-13667BVQ Server: ReportingTopology favorites are not shown correctly in snippet selector
MajorBVQ-13669BVQ Server: ReportingUnable to use pie chart in snippet loop
MinorBVQ-13662GUI: Table View: FilterException when trying to add a filter to data rate
MinorBVQ-13675CommonT2 calculation for nodeUpperCachePartition wrong configured

 Version 5.5.4

Version 5.5.4

New features

Issue ID




Issue ID



Bug fixes


Issue ID



CriticalBVQ-13552GUI: Perf view: Latency filterFiltered dots no longer appear

nssm.exe still opened by other Windows Services after it is stopped

CriticalBVQ-13573ScannerSVC Persister creates Offline SVC Node Objects without link to IO group
MajorBVQ-13536AlertingDuplicate Key Exception
MajorBVQ-13577GUI: Favorites: Site & RoomOverview has wrong filters for SAN Chassis
MajorBVQ-13279GUI: Multi view

Table columns open properties panel of other view

MajorBVQ-13500GUI: PBC: Properties: ObjectsTurn on of Table Section not relyable
MajorBVQ-13511GUI: PBCSpikes in BVQ-aggregate if interval is set to none
MajorBVQ-13478GUI: PBCWindow refresh raises change flag on affected PBC views
MajorBVQ-13570GUI: Perf view: Node port

Congestion Measured % of tot TX much too high

MajorBVQ-13484GUI: TreemapLegend contains PI Timing although no timing colorings or aspects are selected
MajorBVQ-13469REST InterfaceError message "no root element found"
MajorBVQ-13533SAN: LicensingScanner status green although SAN Module not licensed
MinorBVQ-13612GUI: Chart view: Metrics: SAN Switch portTooltip of GEOF has some typos
MinorBVQ-13507GUI: Editor Drive typeMulti Edit leads to duplicate named objects
MinorBVQ-13578GUI: FavoritesOpen (View) in new tab dos not respect current selection
MinorBVQ-13586GUI: FilterDialogNon sematic compatible special attributes available in "compareToAttribute"
MinorBVQ-13579GUI: Filtering: Add conditionOperator resets to "contains" unexpected
MinorBVQ-13550Installer: BVQ ServerUninstall always removes log and data aliases
MinorBVQ-13525WebUI: SchedulingCron-Syntax with weekday not accepted

 Version 5.5.3

Version 5.5.3

New features

Issue ID




Issue ID



BVQ-13476GUIAdd SAN System Favorites
BVQ-13423GUIImprove attribute descriptions for svc_name and volume_name


GUI: SANBVQ Qualified Attribute and Coloring missing
BVQ-13454GUI: PBCKeep non Isolate filters during PBC initalization & window refresh


GUI: Detail Pane

Improve handling of column width

BVQ-13451GUI: Chart ViewSet inital Tab of property panel to "chart > metrics"
BVQ-13495GUI: Perf view: Properties: Metrics: SANAdjust some metric tooltip texts
BVQ-13461REST InterfaceRemove Enum Numbers

Bug fixes


Issue ID




Fails to persist FS9100 node performance data


Path Trunk / ISL shows different Content than ISL / Trunk

CriticalBVQ-13422Attributes: SAN Port

"Is Connected" does not respect ISLs



GUI: Favorites

Exception after open of favorite moved into new directory

CriticalBVQ-13474GUI: Multi ViewException after Window Refresh

Trying to open a MV in a floating window leads to exceptions

MajorBVQ-13447GUIFilter comparison with "subelementcount" fails
MajorBVQ-13456GUILC Partition Performance chart displays incorrect data
MajorBVQ-13496GUIRight-click on SAN object in flat mode table leads to NPE
MajorBVQ-13411GUI: Table View

Filter becomes invalid when adding/removing table columns

MajorBVQ-13444GUI: Drive type table

IndexOutOfBoundsException: valid viewIndex: 0 <= index < 12 but was: -1

MajorBVQ-13446GUI: Editor: Disk typeEntered Name is not applied
MajorBVQ-13458GUI: TreetableClose of Table section leaves Property panel Table tabs open
MajorBVQ-13492GUI: Favorites: Edit info

Show in context menu no longer shows up

MajorBVQ-13493GUI: Perf view: Properties: MetricsFavo menu switching no longer works
MajorBVQ-13396Repository Installer

Not enough disk space: Log directory

MinorBVQ-13438GUICannot set a NULL value for an Attribute
MinorBVQ-13443GUIReload Topo Data doesn't display SAN Agents
MinorBVQ-13069GUI: Properties: ChartProperties

Big Metric Panels are not displayed completely

MinorBVQ-13326GUI: LUN: Detail pane"LUN #" shows HEX instead of DEC value


GUI: FilterDataAttributeRenderer parsing values with wrong unit

 Version 5.5.2

 Version 5.5.1

 Version 5.5