
BVQ offers you the feature of reporting.

If you like to create a report, you need a template. This will be used as a blueprint for created reports. BVQ will be delivered with ready to use templates for the supported platforms.
These are basically overview reports for storage capacity and performance.

If you like to create a report, login to the BVQ-Server and by clicking on the Reporting-tab.

Using the subtabs you can

  1. manage generated reports
  2. administrate the templates, that are used to create a report
  3. schedule the reports


By selecting the Reports-tab, you have access to all generated Reports.

Here, you see the information of currently running and generated Reports.

With the action buttons, you can download a Report (1), create a new one (2), edit the template of a self created Report (3), get the information about a Report (4) or delete a single one (5).

 Click to expand: Reports overview



If you like to manage your reporting templates, just choose the Templates-tab.

Here you can create a new template (1), see alle generated Reports of a template (2), generate a new report out of a template (3), create a schedule for the report (4), edit a self created template (5), clone an existing template (6) or to delete a self created template (7) .

 Click to expand: Reporting Templates overview


In this tab, you see all created schedules for the different templates.

You have now the possibility, to see a list for all created reports out of a template (1). If you didn't changed the default for the TTL during the installation,the oldest report can be created before 30 days. Also you can edit a single schedule (2), get a link to the latest generated report where you also get the option to download that report (3) or to delete a single schedule (4).

 Click to expand: Reporting Scheduling overview

We want to build a more complex report that should consist of tables, charts and loops.

  • With this link you can download the template that we want to create in this document.
    Please remember that this is just an example.
    Testreport for BVQWIKI.json
  • Use this document to learn how to import and export report templates.

    Only templates that do not use favorites for charts or tables can be exported!
    BVQ thus prevents dependencies between installations.

    Export a reporting template

    1. Go to Reports → Templates and find the report template
    2. use the button to download the reporting template

    Import a reporting template

    1. Go to Reports → Templates
    2. use the button to import a reporting template

We will use snippet loops in this report so some words about this!

Reports with Loops

A loop is an iteration over an object type. A classic report could be.

  • Tables across all vCenter
  • Aggregated charts across all vCenter
  • Loop over all vCenter iterates over each individual vCenter
    • vCenter table
    • vCenter charts

Or more complex

  • Tables across all vCenter
  • Aggregated charts across all vCenter
  • Loop over all vCenter iterates over each individual vCenter
    • vCenter table
    • vCenter charts
    • Tables across all VMCluster in vCenter
    • Aggregated charts across all VMCluster in vCenter
    • Loop over all vmCluster iterates over each individual VMCluster in vCenter
      • VMCluster table
      • VMCluster charts
      • Tables across all VMHosts in  VMCluster
      • Aggregated charts across all VMHosts in  VMCluster
      • Loop over all VMHosts iterates over each individual VMHosts in  VMCluster
        • VMHost table
        • VMHost charts
        • ...

As you can see, loops can be nested inside each other.
This can lead to very long reports that also have a long computing time. But the advantage is obvious.
These reports are calculated overnight, can have long periods of time, and the next day all measured values are available in a PDF file.

Some considerations about loops:

  • Always plan with loops - this makes reports much more flexible
  • Actually we cannot drag and drop snippets across loops. So it is not an option to start without a loop and add it later. This will change in future.

Start the example report with a loop

  1. Create a report template

     Click here to expand...

    To create a new report template, go to Reporting -> Templates (1) and click on the Create new template (2) button.

    You now have to give the report a name (1) and also provide a description (2) of the report in the description field.

  2. Create a reporting table

     Click here to expand...

    Some knowledge beforehand

    • Topology values a counters like number of hosts in cluster or number of VM in hosts
    • Attributes are non numeric values like code level
    • Performance and capacity are the other typical kinds of data types
    • Topology tables can include all these types of information (it is possible that we rename this in future)

    We create the widget and the the table

    We have to do the following (1) create the widget - (2) set the selectiopn path (the base of the table) - (3) define columns - (4) reorder colums and sort the table
    Step 2 and 3 need several clicks so we provided videos for this - the videos are repeating endlessly so we put them into the expand sections -  it is best to reload the page when you want to see it from the beginning.

    • Create the widget
      See in video under 2

    • Set the selection path to vCenter
      Please recognize that this operation ends with the save button which is not saving the widget but the selection path

       Click here to expand (video loop) ..

    • Define the columns
      We want to add columns from different types. Attributes, topology and capacity information.
      This video will end with the preview of the table

       Click here to expand (video loop) ..

    • Change the order of the columns and the sequence of sorting and the maximum number of rows

      Use drag and drop to change the order of the columns

      Use Drag&Drop to reorder table columns. Use the arrows to sort a column. To sort multiple columns, use Shift&Click or Alt&Click.
      Note: Sorting is only available for flat tables!

      Use Max rows to cut the table after a specific number of rows. This is useful for top 10 tables


  3. Create a reporting chart

     Click here to expand...
    • Start with add snippet and select Charts → Performance charts (1)



    • Select the right Object type (like in the table but now for the chart)
      (2) + (3)

    • Choose the metric for the chart
      Open Metric tab, click on field field (2) to open Metric chooser and find the right metric (3)

    • Add Metric and object legend if wanted

    • Use preview to check results

  4. Create a snippet loop

     Click here to expand...

    You can use snippets if you want to repeat sections in a report based on the enumeration of objects.

    For example:

    Create a table and a chart for every VMware Host in a VMware vCenter

    This is a snippet across VM hosts objects

    • Start with Add snippet and select Snippet loops → Snippet loop object type (1)


    • Select the right object to loop across click on (2) to open the object selector and find VM Host (3)


    • You now have created the snippet loop all snippets inside this loop have to be placed here (4)


  5. Add labels to our reporting project and finish the project

     Click here to expand...

    The structure of the report is looking like this

    (1) VMware Cluster Table

    (2) VMware vCenter CPU usage chart

    (3) The lop across all Hosts of the vCenters

    (4) Nothing in the loop



    We want to add some things

    • Big header above Cluster table with the words "VMware vCenter table"
      Add Snippet General Layout Elements → Header
      Take care to add the snippet from the bottom of the snippet list and drag and drop i8t into the right place


    • Rich text above performance chart with the words "VMware vCenter CPU % usage"
      Add Snippet General Layout Elements → Text
      Take care to add the snippet from the bottom of the snippet list and drag and drop it into the right place



    • Snippet Loop header inside the loop
      Add Snippet Snippet Loop → Snippet loop header
      Header level 2
      This shall give us the name of the host so choose Attribute Info → Object Name
      Prefix text "VM Host: "


    • Table and chart  inside the snippet loop
      Take care to place these items inside the loop
      Check out the following documents for details how to create chart and tables

      Create a reporting table
      Create a reporting chart
    • The template shows how it looks like after adding all snippets
      (1) Header in the beginning
      (2) Rich text between table and chart
      (3) Snippet loop heard in the loop


  6. Create a report from the template

     Click here to expand...

    There are already some predefined templates in the system so it might be the best idea to sort by last change to get you new template to the top of the list.



    Action Buttons from left to right

    • show reports from template
    • create a new report
    • define report schedules
    • edit template
    • duplicate template
    • download template
    • delete template

    You can use the "play" button from the left to create the report.

    1. choose pdf or html as output format
    2. choose the date for the report which is typically today but reporting cam also create historical reports if you want to monitor changes
      If you have charts in the report you have to provide start and end date
    3. You can choose systems to limit the scope of the report
      Please select only systems types which are parrt of the report template
    4. Run the report!


    After some time the report can be downloaded from the reports section


  7. Schedule a report

     Click here to expand...

    Export a reporting template

    1. Go to Reports → Templates and find the report template
    2. Start the scheduler with the button   

    • (1) Scheduler name
    • (2) Output format HTML or PDF
    • (3) Schedule - enter a crontab or create a crontab with the dialog
    • (4) describes the range of the charts
      End time is always the actual time and start time is actual time - Range
    • (5) Select systems - which systems shall be covered by the report
    • (6) Notification - what to do with the report

    Create a link to the lades report

    1. Go to Reports → Scheduler and find the schedule
      create a link with this button