Brocade CPU utilization high
Brocade CPU utilization high
About this task
Due to the amount of REST connections, it is possible to have a high CPU utilization on your switch.
A possible solution is, to activate the KeepAlive function.
Applies to
All BVQ Versions
- Discover the used protocol
- Check the if a certificate is activated (SW / Key exist?)
- enable the "keepalive" function
switch99:FID128:bvq> mgmtapp --show REST Configuration: Interface State: Enabled Effective Protocol: HTTPS only HTTP State: Enabled Session Count: 10 Throttling Configurations: Sample Requests : 120 Sample Time (in sec) : 30 Idle Time (in sec) : 3 HTTPS Configuration: KeepAlive : Disabled KeepAliveTimeout : 15sec ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- switch99:FID128:bvq> seccertmgmt show -all ssh private key: Does not Exist ssh public keys available for users: None Certificate Files: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protocol Client CA Server CA SW CSR PVT Key Passphrase -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FCAP Empty NA Empty Empty Empty Empty RADIUS Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty NA LDAP Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty NA SYSLOG Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty NA HTTPS NA Empty Exist Empty Exist NA KAFKA NA Exist NA NA NA NA ASC NA Empty NA NA NA NA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- switch99:bvq> mgmtapp --enable keepalive HTTP mode will be disabled after enabling KeepAlive.Do you want to continue?(y or n) y KeepAlive enabled successfully. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- switch99:FID128:bvq> mgmtapp --show REST Configuration: Interface State: Enabled Effective Protocol: HTTPS only HTTP State: Enabled Session Count: 10 HTTPS Configuration: KeepAlive : Enabled KeepAliveTimeout : 15sec